Law establishing the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) and Determining its Mission, Organisation and Functioning

Law 53 of 2013


Law establishing the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) and Determining its Mission, Organisation and Functioning

Law 53 of 2013

THE PARLIAMENT:The Chamber of Deputies, in its session of 16 May 2013;The Senate, in its session of 11 December 2012;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June, 2003 as amended to date, especially in its articles 62, 66, 67, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 108, 183 and 201;Pursuant to Organic Law n° 06/2009/OL of 21/12/2009 establishing general provisions governing Public Institutions as modified and complemented to date;Having reviewed Law n° 09/2005 of 14/07/2005 establishing the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda;ADOPTS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Law

This Law establishes the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda abbreviated as “NISR”. It also determines its mission, organization and functioning.NISR shall have legal personality, administrative and financial autonomy and shall be governed in accordance with laws governing public institutions.

Article 2 – Head office of NISR

The head office of NISR shall be located in Kigali City, the Capital of the Republic of Rwanda. It may be transferred elsewhere on the Rwandan territory if deemed necessary.NISR may have branches elsewhere in the country if deemed necessary in order to fulfill its mission upon approval by a Prime Minister’s Order.

Chapter II
Mission of NISR

Article 3 – Mission of NISR

The main mission of NISR shall be as follows:to define and ensure the respect of standards and methodologies applied by the national statistical system;to conduct national census and other national surveys;to advise and train the personnel in charge of national statistical activities in the country;to coordinate and gather statistical information and methodologies of different sectorial departments in charge of statistical activities in the country;to disseminate the official statistical data whether the one publicized by the Institute or the data bearing its visa;to coordinate activities of the national statistical system;to advise State institutions regarding the development of the national statistical system;to encourage the public to participate in statistical activities and learn how to use the census and surveys results;to prepare the national program of the statistical system;10°to advise Government on the establishment of policies and strategies related to the promotion of the statistical system;11°to accomplish any other function relating to the statistics as may be assigned by State Administration.

Chapter III
Supervising authority of NISR and its category

Article 4 – Supervising authority of NISR and its category

A Prime Minister’s Order shall determine the supervising authority of NISR and its category.There shall be concluded between the supervising authority of NISR and the decision-making organ a performance contract indicating competences, rights and obligations of each party in order for NISR to fulfill its mission.Such a contract shall be valid for a period equal to the term of office of the members of the decision-making organ of NISR.

Chapter IV
Organisation and functions of NISR

Article 5 – Management organs of NISR

NISR shall have the following two (2) management organs:the Board of Directors;the General Directorate.A Prime Minister’s Order may determine other relevant organs in order for NISR to fulfill its mission.

Section One – Board of Directors

Article 6 – Board of Directors of NISR

The Board of Directors of NISR shall be the governing and decision-making organ.Its competences, responsibilities and functioning as well as the responsibilities and the term of office of its members shall be determined by a Prime Minister’s Order.A Presidential Order shall appoint members of the Board of Directors including the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson.Members of the Board of Directors shall be selected on the basis of their competence and expertise.At least thirty per cent (30%) of the members of the Board of Directors must be females.

Article 7 – Sitting allowances for members of the Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors present in the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to sitting allowances determined by a Presidential Order.

Article 8 – Incompatibilities with the membership of the Board of Directors of NISR

Members of the Board of Directors shall not be allowed to perform any remunerated activity within NISR.They shall also not be allowed, either individually or companies in which they hold shares, to bid for tenders of NISR.

Section 2 – General Directorate

Article 9 – Members of NISR General Directorate

Members of the General Directorate of NISR shall be appointed by a Presidential Order.The competences and responsibilities of members of the General Directorate of NISR shall be determined by a Prime Minister’s Order.

Article 10 – Statute governing staff of NISR and benefits of members of the General Directorate and the staff of NISR

The staff of NISR shall be governed by the general statute for Rwanda Public Service.Benefits allocated to members of the General Directorate and to the staff of NISR shall be determined in accordance with legal provisions governing benefits to employees of public institutions.

Article 11 – Organization, functioning and responsibilities of the organs of NISR

The organization, functioning and responsibilities of the organs of NISR shall be determined by a Prime Minister’s Order.

Chapter V
Property and finance

Article 12 – Property of NISR and its sources

The property of NISR shall be comprised of movables and immovables.It shall come from the following sources:State budget allocations;State or partners’ subsidies;income from services rendered;donations and bequests.

Article 13 – Use, management and audit of the property of NISR

The use, management and audit of the property of NISR shall be carried out in accordance with relevant legal provisions.NISR internal audit unit shall submit a report to the Board of Directors with a copy to the head of the General Directorate of NISR.

Article 14 – Approval and management of the budget of NISR

The budget of NISR shall be approved and managed in accordance with relevant legal provisions.

Article 15 – Annual financial report

Within three (3) months following the closure of the financial year, the head of the General Directorate of NISR shall submit to the supervising authority of NISR the annual financial report after approval by the Board of Directors in accordance with laws governing the management of State finance and property.

Chapter VI
Miscellaneous and final provisions

Article 16 – Transfer of agreements, activities and property of INSR

Agreements and activities of INSR which were performed before the publication of this Law in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda shall remain valid.Movable and immovable property, liabilities and the name of INSR are hereby transferred to NISR established by this Law.

Article 17 – INSR former staff members

INSR staff members who fulfill the requirements during the recruitment shall be transferred to NISR in accordance with relevant legal provisions.

Article 18 – Drafting, consideration and adoption of this Law

This Law was drafted in English, considered and adopted in Kinyarwanda.

Article 19 – Repealing provision

Law n° 09/2005 of 14/07/2005 establishing the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda and all prior legal provisions contrary to this Law, are hereby repealed.

Article 20 – Commencement

This Law shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

29 July 2013 this version
28 June 2013
Assented to