Law governing Organisation of Sport, Games and Leisure

Law 32 of 2017


Law governing Organisation of Sport, Games and Leisure

Law 32 of 2017

THE PARLIAMENT:The Chamber of Deputies, in it its session of 22 June 2017;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 21, 64, 69, 70, 88, 90, 91, 106, 120, 168 and 176;Pursuant to the International Convention against Doping in Sport, adopted in Paris, on 19 October 2005, by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) as ratified by Presidential Order no 07/01 of 31/03/2009 ratifying the International Convention against Doping in Sport;Having reviewed Law no 05/1987 of 18 February 1987 relating to the organisation of sports and leisure in Rwanda;ADOPTS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Law

This Law governs organisation of sport, games and leisure.

Article 2 – Aim of sport, games and leisure

Sport aims at keeping the people’s vitality, competing, contributing to the economic development, promoting community socio-cultural values, conviviality, mutual respect as well as serving as a mobilisation tool.Games aim at recreation and competition according to the governing laws.Leisure aims at recreation, maintaining health, knowledge development through games, socio-cultural activities or technology.

Article 3 – Definitions of terms

In this Law, the following terms have the following meanings:venue for leisure: locations with appropriate basic infrastructure and equipment suitable for each category of leisure, where the public meet for recreational purpose;prohibited doping substances: any outlawed substance that is used to artificially enhance performance of the player who is participating in or preparing a competition;games: activity whose purpose is primarily recreational in accordance with governing rules;leisure: any recreational activity carried out in free time, either individually or collectively and whose exercise or participation is voluntary;unfair practice: any type of practice meant to inhibit or artificially enhance performance of a player who is participating in or preparing a competition;sport academy: a centre bringing together young players for the purpose of development of their talents in sport and games;sport and games association: any national non-governmental organisation whose purpose is to promote one or many types of sports;sport association affiliated to the federation: any national non-governmental organisation whose purpose is to promote one type of sport under the supervision of that federation;National Olympic Committee of Rwanda: a national non-governmental organisation serving as an umbrella for legally recognised national sport federations and games associations that are subject to olympic principles;10°Ministry: Ministry in charge of sport, games and leisure;11°Minister: Minister in charge of sport, games and leisure;12°sport: any physical and mental activity carried out in the spirit of competition and in respect of set of governing rules;13°amateur sport: any type of sport in which participant engages without remuneration upon his/her preference;14°professional sport: a sport where a sporting participant is financially remunerated in accordance with labour regulations;15°elite sport: a sport performed by highly talented players owing them the qualification of professional players;16°sport federation: an officially recognised national non-governmental organisation which brings together affiliated sport associations in order to promote one specific sport.

Chapter II
Organisation of sport and games

Section One – Organs in charge of sport organisation and their responsibilities

Article 4 – Key organs in charge of sport and games organisation

Key organs in charge of sport and games organisation are the following:the Ministry;the National Olympic Committee of Rwanda;sport and games federations;sport and games associations.

Article 5 – Key responsibilities of the Ministry in organising sport

With regard to sport and games organisation, the Ministry has the following key responsibilities:to set up sport and games development policy and its implementation strategies;to monitor and evaluate all activities related to sport and games;to follow up over national teams during preparation and in competitions in line with calendars of sport and games federations.

Article 6 – Key responsibilities of National Olympic Committee of Rwanda

National Olympic Committee of Rwanda has the following key responsibilities:to coordinate sport and games federations and associations under their umbrella;to contribute to capacity building of sport and games federations and associations;to coordinate and supervise activities relating to preparation of olympic games.

Article 7 – Key responsibilities of a sport federation and a games federation

A sport federation and a games federation have the key responsibilities:to coordinate all sporting or gaming activities falling within its responsibilities at the national level;to prepare a sustainable development plan for its respective sport and game basing on the national sport and games development policy;to organise and authorise organisation of national tournaments of sport and game under its ambit basing on national and international rules and regulations;to ensure preparatory arrangements for a national team participating in an international competition;to submit annually to the Ministry an action plan and an activity report related to the sport or game as well as a report on the execution of the State budget for a specified period.

Article 8 – Key responsibilities of a sport and games association

A sport and games association has the following key responsibilities:to elaborate and implement a sustainable development plan for the sport or game pertaining to the association, basing on laws of the umbrella federation;to preserve sporting and gaming values.

Article 9 – Functioning and collaboration between organs in charge of sport and games organisation

A Ministerial Order determines the functioning and collaboration between organs in charge of sport and games organisation.

Article 10 – Sport categories

Sport in Rwanda is subdivided into the following categories:elite sport;professional sport;amateur sport.The organisation of categories of sport and games is determined by a Ministerial Order.

Section 2 – Teaching of sport and games

Article 11 – Teaching of sport and games in schools

The sport and games course is offered in nursery, primary and secondary schools.

Article 12 – Teaching of sport and games in sport and games academy

Teaching of sport and games in a sport and games academy is carried out in accordance with teaching curricula developed and approved by the Minister.The licensing of a sport and games academy as well as its functioning and organisation are determined by an Order of the Minister.

Section 3 – Support for sport and games activities, awards and recognition

Article 13 – Support for sport and games activities

The Ministry supports activities relating to the preparation of national teams in respect of participating in and hosting competitions.The Ministry in collaboration with federations and the National Olympic Committee of Rwanda may support sport and games development activities.Other public institutions and the private sector may support sport and games development activities.

Article 14 – Award and recognition given to a player

The State and the private sector may grant an award or recognition to the best player who defended the honour of the country in sport or games.An Order of the Minister determines the arrangement and conditions of granting awards and recognition to players.

Article 15 – Cooperation in sport and games

The Ministry collaborates with other countries and international organisations in activities relating to research, cooperation and capacity building in matters pertaining to sport and games.Subject to the provisions of the Paragraph One of this Article, an association or a federation may establish a particular partnership with a federation, an association or international organisations.

Section 4 – Health and insurance of a player

Article 16 – Health of a player

Any sport and games association carries out a medical check-up on a player before awarding him/her a contract and follows up his/her health during the period of the contract.

Article 17 – Accident insurance for a player

Any sport and games association subscribes to an accident insurance coverage in respect of a player before employing him/her.That insurance coverage is valid only when the player is on duties related to his/her contract with the association.

Section 5 – Sport and games infrastructure

Article 18 – Standards to develop sport and games infrastructure

Standards to develop sport and games infrastructure are determined by an Order of the Minister.

Article 19 – Construction of sport and games infrastructure

The construction of sport and games infrastructure at national level is a responsibility of the organ in charge of public infrastructure.The construction of sport and games infrastructure at the level of the City of Kigali is a responsibility of the City of Kigali.The construction of sport and games infrastructure at the District level is a responsibility of the District.The construction of sport and games infrastructure of the private sector is a responsibility of its owners in accordance with standards set out by the Ministry.

Article 20 – Management of sport and games infrastructure and equipment

The management of sport and games infrastructure and equipment at the national level is under the supervision of the Ministry.The management of sport and games infrastructure and equipment at the level of the City of Kigali is under the supervision of the City of Kigali.The management of sport and games infrastructure and equipment at the District level is under the supervision of the District.The management of sport and games infrastructure of the private sector is under the supervision of its owners in accordance with standards set out by the Ministry.

Chapter III
Prohibited doping substances, fraudulent acts and unfair practices in sport

Section One – Prohibited doping substances in sport

Article 21 – List of prohibited doping substances

The list of prohibited doping substances is established and updated by the World Anti-Doping Agency.That list is available on the website of the World Anti-Doping Agency.The National Olympic Committee of Rwanda, sport federations and associations and other anti-doping organisations transmit the list of prohibited doping substances to relevant parties, providing information related to the impact of using prohibited doping substances in sport.

Article 22 – Prohibition of doping substances in sport

It is prohibited for a person participating or preparing to participate in a competition to use prohibited doping substances in sport.It is also prohibited to manufacture, market, distribute and facilitate the use of prohibited doping substances in sport.

Article 23 – Anti-doping control in sport

A player may undergo a doping control at any time, before, during or after competitions.It is prohibited to refuse to undergo a control, disrupt a control, hide and alter evidences.

Section 2 – Fraudulent acts, unfair practices in sport and games

Article 24 – Prohibition of fraudulent acts and unfair practices in sport and games

It is prohibited to engage in any fraudulent acts and unfair practices before and during a competition.

Article 25 – Monitoring the preservation of values of sport and games

The Ministry controls the extent to which values of sport and games are preserved.

Chapter IV
Sanctions in sport and games

Article 26 – Sanctions for offences relating to doping, fraudulent acts and unfair practices

Any person who is convicted for the offence relating to doping, fraudulent acts and unfair practices is punished in accordance with the international laws of each sport.

Article 27 – Sanctions in sport and games

A player, club or official who contravenes rules of each sport or game is punished in accordance with rules of that sport or game.

Chapter V
Organisation of leisure

Article 28 – Categories of leisure

Leisure comprises the following main categories:sport-based leisure;culture-based leisure;tourism-based leisure;technology-based leisure.

Article 29 – Venue for leisure

An Order of the Minister sets the standards for determining the venue for leisure.

Article 30 – Monitoring and control of leisure events

The Ministry monitors and controls all leisure events.

Chapter VI
Final provisions

Article 31 – Drafting, consideration and adoption of this Law

This Law was drafted, considered and adopted in Kinyarwanda.

Article 32 – Repealing provision

Law n° 05/1987 of 18 February 1987 governing sports and leisure in Rwanda and other prior legal provisions contrary to this Law are repealed.

Article 33 – Commencement

This Law comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

18 August 2017 this version
03 August 2017
Assented to