Ministerial Instructions determining Responsibilities of Members of the Mobilization Committee of the Community Based Health Insurance Scheme, the Organ Responsible for Organizing their Election and Procedures for the Election

Ministerial Instructions 2 of 2015


Ministerial Instructions determining Responsibilities of Members of the Mobilization Committee of the Community Based Health Insurance Scheme, the Organ Responsible for Organizing their Election and Procedures for the Election

Ministerial Instructions 2 of 2015

The Minister of Local Government;Pursuant to Law n° 03/2015 of 02/03/2015 governing the organization of the community-based health insurance scheme, especially in Article 18;After consideration and approval by the cabinet, in its session of 14/10/2015;ISSUES THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of these Instructions

These Instructions determine responsibilities of members of the Mobilization Committee of the community-based health insurance scheme, referred to as “Committee” in these instructions. They also determine the organ responsible for organizing their election and procedures for the election.

Article 2 – Members of the Committee

The Committee at the Village, Cell and Sector level comprises five (5) residents of the Village, Cell and Sector respectively, who are persons of integrity and well known for their mobilization skills.At each level, the Committee is composed of the following members:1 °The Chairperson;The Deputy Chairperson;The Secretary;Two (2) counselors.

Chapter II
Responsibilities of the members of the Committee

Article 3 – Responsibilities of the Chairperson of the Committee

The Chairperson of the Committee shall have the following responsibilities:to steer and coordinate activities of the Committee;to convene and chair meetings of the Committee;to perform such other duties related to his/her responsibilities as may be assigned by the Committee.

Article 4 – Responsibilities of the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee

The Deputy Chairperson of the Committee shall assist the Chairperson and deputize for him/her in his/her absence.

Article 5 – Responsibilities of the Secretary of the Committee

The Secretary of the Committee shall have the following responsibilities:to coordinate the drafting of the minutes of the meeting of the Committee;to prepare a summary report containing decisions of the Committee;to communicate to members of the Committee resolutions taken by the Committee for approval;to prepare the activity report of the Committee;to receive, transmit and file documents of the Committee;to perform such other duties related to his/her responsibilities as may be assigned by the Committee.In case of absence of the Secretary of the Committee, he/she shall be replaced by one of the two counselors.

Article 6 – Responsibilities of the Counselors of the Committee

A Counselor of the Committee shall have the following responsibilities:to advise the Committee;to participate in the meetings of the Committee;to deputize the Secretary in his/her absence;to perform such other duties related to his/her responsibilities as may be assigned by the Committee.

Chapter III
Organ responsible for organizing the election of the Committee and procedures for election of its members

Article 7 – Organ responsible for organizing the election of members of the Committee

The District administration shall be the organ responsible for the organization of the election of the members of the Committee, determine where the election shall be carried out and inform the population.

Article 8 – Procedures of election the Committee members

Members of the Committee at the Village level are voted by residents of the village legally entitled to vote, by direct elections whereby voters line behind the candidate of their choice.Members of the Committee elected at the Village level shall elect among themselves members of the Committee at the Cell level through indirect and secret ballot.Members of the Committee elected at the Cell level shall elect among themselves members of the Committee at the Sector level through indirect and secret ballot.Subject to provisions of this Article, members of the Committee elected to the higher level are replaced in their respective formerly occupied positions by their first runner up.

Article 9 – Quorum for election of the members of the Committee

The election at the Village, the Cell and the Sector level begins when at least two thirds (2/3) of the voters are present.When on the day of election, the quorum provided for under Paragraph One of this Article is not complete, the election is suspended and resumed at latest within a period not exceeding seven (7) days.Upon the resumption date of the election, those present shall vote regardless of their number.

Article 10 – Presentation of candidature

A person may stand for election but his/her candidature has to be approved by the electoral college.However, a member of the electoral college may, on his/her own volition also request a person he/she considers competent upon his/her consent, to be a candidate.A member of the electoral college may also present a candidature of an absent person that he/she considers competent and honest. In this case, the candidate is represented by one member of electoral college during elections.

Article 11 – Electoral campaign

Campaigning for election is done in the presence of the voters.Before the voting commences, every candidate has time to campaign. In campaigning, the candidate limits his/her campaign to his/her curriculum vitae.In presenting his/her curriculum vitae, a candidate is prohibited from campaigning basing on ethnicity, region, political party or religion.

Article 12 – Equal vote

Where the number of those who have more votes than others exceed five (5) because some have equal vote, they cast the lot to determine who stays in and who goes out between those with equal votes in order to keep the required number. The candidate who is defeated in that manner takes the place immediately below the place for the winning person.

Article 13 – Resolution of disputes

Any dispute relating to proceedings of the election of candidates to be members of the Committee is declared and considered by the elections supervisors before publication of final results of the elections, and if not, such results shall be null.

Article 14 – Replacement of the members of the Committee

In the event of a member of the Committee losing his/her seat or being removed from office, the vacant post shall be assigned to a substitute who serves the remaining term of office.The replacement of one member of the Committee shall be done according to the successive order of candidates on the list by taking the candidate who immediately follows the last member of the Committee elected during elections.

Chapter IV
Final provisions

Article 15 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to these Instructions are hereby repealed.

Article 16 – Commencement

These Instructions shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

30 November 2015 this version
05 November 2015
Assented to