Ministerial Order establishing the List of Protected Animal and Plant Species

Ministerial Order 7 of 2008


Ministerial Order establishing the List of Protected Animal and Plant Species

Ministerial Order 7 of 2008

The Minister of Natural Resources;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of June 04, 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 49, 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Organic Law n° 04/2005 of 08/04/2005 determining the modalities of protection, conservation and promotion of the environment in Rwanda especially in Article 54;Pursuant to law n° 39/2006 of 30/09/2006 determining the responsibilities, organization and functioning of Rwanda Office of Tourism and National Parks (ORTPN);After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in its session of 14/11/2007;ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article one – Scope

This Order establishes the list of protected animal and plant species.

Chapter II
Protected animal species

Article 2 – Classification of protected animals

The species of protected animals shall be classified as follows: Mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Article 3 – List of protected animals

The list of protected animals mentioned in article two of this Order is found in appendix 1.The animals mentioned in appendix 1 should not be hunted except when there is prior authorization from competent authorities.

Chapter III
Species of protected plants

Article 4 – List of protected plants

The list of protected plants is found in appendix II.The plants mentioned in appendix II should not be uprooted or cut without prior authorization from competent authorities.

Chapter IV
Final provisions

Article 5 – Repealing of inconsistent provisions

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 6 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda

Annex I

Protected animals

1.GorillaGorilla gorilla beringei
2.ChimpanzeePan troglodydes
3.Black rhinocerosDiceros bicornis
4.ElephantLoxodonta Africana
5.Roan antelopeHippotagus equinus
6.SitatungaTragelaphus spekei
7.LionsPanthera Leo
8.LeopardPanthera pardus
9.KlipspringerOreotragus oretragus
10.BuffaloSyncerus caffer (Sparrman)
11.CheetahAcinonyx jubatus (Schreber)
12.Zool mongooseFelis aurata (Temminck)
13.CephalophusCephalophus nigrifrons (Grays)
14.Zool servalFelis aurata (Temminck)
15.Wild dogLycaon pictus (Temminck)
16.BushbuckTragelaphus (Pallas)
18.Burchell's zebraEquus burcheli (Gray)
1.Black-headed HeronArdea melanocephala
2.Cattle EgretBubulcus ibis
3.Grauer“s Swamp WarblerBradypterus graueri
5.All LemoroidsLemuroide
6.Grey Crowned-CraneBalearica regulorum
8.Arrow-marked BabblerTurdoides jardineii
9.Cape Robin-ChatCossypha caffra
10.All pangolinsManis SP
13.Scimitar billsPhoniculudae
14.HamerkopScopus umbretta
1.Tortoises (all species)

Umugereka wa kabiri

Ibimera birinzwe

1.UmuvumuFicus thonningii
2.UmwumbaPrunus Africana
3.UmwasaPentadesma reindersii
4.IcyufeMyrianthus holstii
5.Umutima w'isiThonningia sanguinea
6.MagaruHypoestes trifolia
7.IgikakarubambaAloe sp.
8.UmugoteSyzygium guineense
9.UmukoErythrina abyssinica
10.Intare y'irunguFagara chalybea
11.IkivungavungoKigelia Africana
13.IkimashiEulophia streptopetala
14.IkimashiEulophia horsafalli
15.IkimashiDiaphananthe bilosa
16.IkimashiDisa emili
17.IkimashiDisperis kilimanjarica
18.IkimashiEuggelingia ligulifolia
19.IkimashiPolystachyia hastate
20.IkimashiTridactyle anthomaniaca
21.UmuyoveEntandopheragma sp
22.UmufuPodocarpus usambarensis
23.UmusebeyaAlbizzia sasa
24.UmuherekoPiptadenia Africana
25.UmuhurizoPodocarpus milinjianus
26.UmushwatiCarapa grandiflora
27.UmushikaStrombosia Scheffleri
[English version of this Annex is not available.]
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History of this document

15 November 2008 this version
15 August 2008
Assented to