Ministerial Order establishing Modalities for Regular Monitoring of Activities of Tutors and Centres that Cater for the Disabled Persons

Ministerial Order 3 of 2009


Ministerial Order establishing Modalities for Regular Monitoring of Activities of Tutors and Centres that Cater for the Disabled Persons

Ministerial Order 3 of 2009

The Minister of Local Government;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 120, 121 and 121;Pursuant to Law n° 01/2007 of 20/01/2007 relating to protection of disabled persons in general especially in Article 6;Considering the Ministerial Order 010/07.01 of 12/10/2007 instituting instructions that govern federations, associations and centres which cater for the disabled persons;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in its session of 12/09/2008;HEREBY ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order establishes modalities for regular monitoring of actions of tutors and centers that cater for disabled persons.

Article 2 – Definitions of terms

In this Order:1.Tutor” is any person who voluntarily assists a disabled person to perform functions which he/she otherwise would not be able to perform on his/her own.2.Centres that cater for disabled persons” are particular establishments which receive disabled persons, give them day to day basic requirements and assist each according to his/her disability.

Article 3 – Application for legal status

For any centre to be permitted to receive disabled persons, it must have a legal status granted by a competent authority.

Article 4 – Applying authorisation to receive disabled person

An application letter requesting for authorisation to receive disabled person shall contain the following information:Curriculum Vitae of the applicant or description of the centre;Copy of the centre’s legal statutes;Type of services offered to the disabled person at the centre;Category of the disabled persons the centre intends to receive;Source of funding.

Article 5 – Activity report

Every centre catering for disabled persons shall submit its activity report of each previous year and action plan of the following year to the authorities of the District in which its activities are based and copy of them to the Minister in charge of disabled persons through the Provinces/Kigali City.The activity report shall contain the following information:1.Targets;2.Achievements.3.Constraints and strategies to address them

Article 6 – Meetings

The District authorities shall convene quarterly meetings with centres or tutors catering for disabled persons. In such meetings centres and tutors shall give quarterly progress report and action plan of the next term and address constraints and problems they encounter in the course of assisting disabled persons in their care.Minutes of these meetings shall be submitted to the Governor of the Province/Mayor of Kigali City within a period not exceeding seven (7) days from the date on which the meeting was convened. The Minister in charge of disabled persons shall be given a copy.

Article 7 – Meetings with the Ministry

The Minister in charge of disabled persons shall hold meetings with centres and tutors catering for disabled person twice a year. He/she may also summon any individual when a specific problem presents itself which may be a hindrance to the disabled person under his/her care.

Article 8 – Monitoring the activities of tutors and centres

The Sector shall monitor the behaviour of the tutor’s for disabled persons and the centres. The person in charge of social affairs at the Sector level shall visit each tutor of disabled persons once a quarter.

Article 9 – Registration of disabled person

When a disabled person is received in a center, it shall register him/her in the appropriate book starting with the first name followed by any other names. The person accompanying/receiving the disabled person into the centre shall append their signatures against his/her name.In the case the disabled person is deaf or does not know his/her name and no other person knowing him/her is available, the centre shall issue him/her with a name and accordingly and inform the registrar of persons at the Sector in which the centre operates within a period not exceeding seven (7) open days.

Article 10 – Rights of disabled person

Once the disabled person has been received at the centre, he/she shall be given the basic necessities including health care, education and other facilities which make his/her life comfortable. He/she shall be allowed to visit and be visited by relatives.

Article 11 – Legal right of Centre catering for disabled persons

The Centre catering for disabled persons or his/her tutor has a legal right to represent the interests of the disabled person in their care before relevant authorities if they so consent. This shall include the right to claim his/her property in Courts and represent him/her before the law whenever deemed necessary.

Article 12 – Repealing of inconsistent provisions

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 12 – Commencement

This order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

20 April 2009 this version
30 March 2009
Assented to