Ministerial Order on Animal Slaughtering and Meat Inspection

Ministerial Order 12 of 2010


Ministerial Order on Animal Slaughtering and Meat Inspection

Ministerial Order 12 of 2010

The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources,Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law n° 54/2008 of 10/09/2008 determining prevention and fight against contagious diseases for domestic animals in Rwanda, especially in Articles 142, 144, 148, 151 and 152;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in its session of 09/07/2010;HEREBY ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provision

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines the modalities of animal slaughtering and how to carry out meat inspection in Rwanda.

Chapter II
Animal slaughtering

Article 2 – Declaration of butcher

Whoever wishes to practice the occupation of butcher in Rwanda, must first report to the district authority, declare his/her wish and apply for a permit.This declaration must specify the exact location of the building and annexes where he/she intends to establish the slaughterhouse. The determination of this place shall be subject to the approval of the district authority in a period not exceeding seven (7) days.If the application is permitted, he/she shall be remitted by the authority of the district written authorization to practice this occupation. This permit must be renewed each time one decides to shift his/her slaughterhouse to another building or district.Whoever practises the occupation of a butcher, must forward to the district authority or to the authority delegated by the district, on monthly basis, written statement on all slaughtered animals during the month.

Article 3 – Application for authorization to slaughter an animal for people who do not normally practise butcher occupation

Everyone except those mentioned in Article 2 who has the intention to slaughter one or several animals to have meat for human consumption, must first request authorization of the concerned Sector authority or that delegated by the Sector. The person requesting the authorization must specify the day, time, and place where the slaughter is to take place.This notice must be given at least six (6) hours before the time fixed for the slaughter. Where the slaughter should take place before 8 a.m., the notice must be given the evening of the previous day, before 6 p.m.The place of slaughtering shall be subject to the approval of the authority of the district.

Article 4 – Animals concerned in this Order

The requirements of Article 2 apply to all breeds of domestic animals: cattle, goats, sheep, swine, or horses as well as all wild animals belonging to the category of big game.

Article 5 – Slaughter program in districts

In districts where slaughtering is carried out frequently or on daily basis, the district administration may determine fixed time for the slaughtering, at which time slaughters shall be authorized ex officio without notice, at places in question in Article 2, or by people who made the declaration as provided for in Article 2.Any slaughter carried out in slaughterhouse outside the normal fixed time needs to be notified in accordance with the requirements of Article 3.

Article 6 – Slaughterhouse hygiene

The district administration may prescribe any appropriate measures to ensure public safety, such as the designation of places where animal slaughter can take place, paving the place and flushing it out after each slaughter, burying intestines and other remnants and waste.

Article 7 – Animal Slaughtering outside public slaughterhouse

In districts where public a slaughterhouse has been installed, slaughtering outside this establishment shall be prohibited. However, the district authority may allow slaughtering of some kinds of animals including swine, cattle or goats outside the slaughterhouse.Public slaughterhouses shall be supervised by the district veterinary staff.

Chapter III
Meat inspection

Article 8 – Meat subject to inspection

Meat from animals slaughtered in the district, as well as imported meat, fresh meat or preserved by refrigeration, salting, smoking or any other method apart from canning are subject to sanitary inspection.Meat prepared locally as provided by Paragraph One of this Article shall be subject to such inspection.

Article 9 – Persons authorized to inspect meat

Sanitary Inspection of fresh or canned meat shall be carried out by veterinary surgeons.In their absence, any doctor and any person who, following a test proves to have sufficient knowledge may be commissioned by the relevant authority.Expert meat inspectors commissioned by the relevant authority may be vested with the power of judicial police officers.

Article 10 – Period for inspection

Any animal of one of breeds mentioned in Article 4 destined for food, shall be examined within two (2) hours after its slaughter by an expert inspector. The inspector may require presentation of the animal prior to its slaughter.Pending the arrival of the expert inspector, thoracic viscera shall remain in place in contact with one of the forequarters of the animal slaughtered. If the expert deems necessary, a quarter-liter (1/4) of blood at least shall be taken as a sample for use in an examination.Imported fresh meat shall be subject to inspection within two (2) hours of their entry.

Article 11 – Sale of meat

All meat from animals slaughtered on the spot, all imported fresh meat to be offered for sale on the day following that of the slaughter or import into the village, shall be subject to veterinary inspection before the sale.Parts not intended for sale shall be buried under the care of the slaughterer, in a place designated by the district.

Article 12 – Categories of meat

For any meat which has been deemed fit for human consumption, the expert shall rank in first or second quality grade.The expert shall apply on quarters, the number of stamps he/she deems appropriate, using the circular stamp for the first quality grade and the triangular one for the second quality gradeThe district authority may also stamp on the meat indicating the date on which the slaughter took place.

Article 13 – Meat unfit for consumption

Where inspection reveals that the meat of the animal is unfit for consumption, either outright or partly, the expert shall pronounce the sale of the meat prohibited, either outright or only for parts found unfit for consumption that he/she shall seize.The Inspector shall then instruct the slaughterer to destroy the meat seized. He/she shall call on local security organs to assist him/her in monitoring the operation.The expert shall justify his/her decision with an explanatory report that he/she forwards to the concerned district authorities.

Article 14 – Certificate of meat inspection

The experts may at any time visit the enclosure where the cattle to be slaughtered are herded pending examination of the animals. Imported animals shall be examined as soon as they cross the border of the district or Country.The importer shall inform the veterinary authorities in due time for the expert to have enough leeway and arrive on site before the entry of the livestock in the country. After the examination, the importer shall be remitted a license indicating the date, the number and origin of animals imported.

Article 15 – Inspection of poultry

The expert inspectors shall monitor very closely sale of poultry and animals destined for consumption not indicated in Article 4. He/she shall seize and destroy all parts they deem unfit for consumption, as stated in Article 13.

Article 16 – Meat import permit

Any person wishing to import fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, dried or smoked meat, other than that preserved by canning, is required to obtain from the national level veterinary authorities an import permit.The application shall mention the origin of the meat, the name and address of the consignor, the quantity to be imported and possibly the method used for its preservation.Imported meat, apart from that not mentioned in the paragraph two of this article and that known as "bush meat" must come from animals slaughtered in abattoirs or slaughterhouses under direct supervision of the veterinary authority of the country of origin.Each quarter shall be marked with the stamp of the meat inspection indicating the slaughterhouse of origin and the date of the animal slaughter, either on the meat itself, or sealed to it.The experts shall act as stated in Article 13 and verbalize in the event of non compliance with the law

Article 17 – Preservation of meat

Given the vagaries of deterioration, goods specified in Article 16 shall remain subject to permanent veterinary monitoring and continuous inspection in, shops, public or private warehouses and other premises, ships, where the meat will have been placed prior to sale or supply.Facilities where meat listed in the last paragraphs of Article 10 is prepared and all premises where the meat is to be later deposited shall be subject to these inspection visits

Article 18 – Examination of poorly preserved meat

Meat described in Article 13 may be subject to sample taking submitted to chemists or veterinary surgeons for analytical and microscopic examinations on their actual state, and to trace possible use of non tolerated antiseptics.The cost of laboratory analysis of sample shall be indicated by the financial services or in case of dispute, by veterinary service at national level.In case of sampling from seized meat, there shall be a statement of which a copy shall be returned to the concerned person and another to the analytical laboratory or veterinary surgeon having jurisdiction over the place. In case of failure to comply with the law, the latter shall file the complaint to the competent institutions.

Article 19 – Contaminated meat

Contaminated meat shall include:meat preserved by means of harmful or poisonous substances that may be toxic;meat and salted meat altered by presence of micro-organisms or other parasites in general, or ammonia compounds.

Article 20 – Sale of contaminated meat

Introduction and sale of any of the product mentioned in Article 18 is prohibited.

Article 21 – Holding meat and its by-products not intended for consumption

It is prohibited to hold prepared meats, or their by-products not fit to eat, either in stores, shops, warehouses and any other premises used for selling, keeping and preparation of foodstuff intended for sale or delivery, or in premises communicating with those described in Article 17 than by public road.

Chapter IV
Final provisions

Article 22 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 23 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

13 December 2010 this version
18 November 2010
Assented to