Ministerial Order on Share Capital for Media Organs Operating in Rwanda

Ministerial Order 2 of 2010


Ministerial Order on Share Capital for Media Organs Operating in Rwanda

Ministerial Order 2 of 2010

The Minister of Information,Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003, as amended to date, especially it’s Articles 34, 120 and 201;Pursuant to Law n° 22/2009 of 12/08/2009 on Media in Rwanda, especially it’s Article 24;Pursuant to Law n° 30/2009 of 16/09/2009 determining the mission, organization and functioning of the Media High Council, especially it’s Article 6;Upon consideration and approval by Cabinet meeting in its session of 28th October 2009;HEREBY ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines the startup capital for media organs in Rwanda.

Article 2 – Meaning of media organs' startup capital

Startup capital refers to financial resources and equipment owned by any media organ.

Article 3 – Obligation to show startup capital to the Media High Council

Any print, audio and audio visual media organ willing to operate in Rwanda shall show its startup capital to the Media High Council.

Article 4 – Minimum startup capital for a print media organ

Any print media organ willing to operate in Rwanda shall have to meet the following requirements:1.Financial resources to pay staff salaries and give them all the materials and equipment needed to enable them to discharge their daily activities;2.The offices to host all its activities;3.The list of staff and potential journalists and their respective duties as provided by the Media High Council;4.At least 2 computers and all accessories;5.At least one scanner6.At least 2 digital cameras;7.At least on printer;8.At least 1 photocopier;9.To provide evidence of its ability to pay printary bills;10.Any other equipment which the High Council of the Media might deem necessary.

Article 5 – Minimum startup capital for an audio media organ (radio station)

Any audio broadcasting media organ (radio) willing to operate in Rwanda shall have to meet the following requirements:1.The owner of the media organ must have enough financial resources to pay staff salaries and give them all the materials and equipment needed to enable them to discharge their daily activities;2.The office to host all its activities;3.To provide the list of staff and potential journalists and their respective duties;4.News studio: (Mixing table, computer, headphones, microphones);5.Editing facilities to edit programs (recorders, computers;6.Transmission facilities (audio microwave link system, Combiner fixed on allocated frequency and frequency of the host with all accessories);7.Any other equipment which the High Council of the Media might deem necessary.

Article 6 – Minimum startup capital for audio visual broadcasting media organ (television)

Any audio visual broadcasting media organ willing to operate in Rwanda shall have to meet the following requirements:1.The owner of the media organ must have enough financial resources to pay staff salaries and give them all the materials and equipment needed to enable them to discharge their daily activities;2.To provide evidence that it has the capacity to manage the journalists while discharging their daily duties;3.To have an office to host all its activities;4.To provide the list of staff and potential journalists and their respective duties;5.At least one News and Production studio;6.At least one News and production studio Equipment;7.At least 2 Editing Equipment;8.Transmission facilities (Digital microwave link system if the TV will be hosted by signal distributor or one transmitter and all accessories for independent transmission);9.Any other equipment which the High Council of the Media might deem necessary.

Article 7 – Repealing provision

All prior legal provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 8 – Commencement

This Order shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

01 March 2010 this version
17 February 2010
Assented to