Ministerial Order establishing Internship for Medical Doctors Order, 2010

Ministerial Order 20 of 2010


Ministerial Order establishing Internship for Medical Doctors Order, 2010

Ministerial Order 20 of 2010

The Minister of Health,Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law n° 10/98 of 28/10/1998 establishing the practice of the art of healing, especially in Article 4;Pursuant to Law n° 30/2001 of 12/06/2001 on the organisation, functioning and scope of activities of the Medical Council, especially in Articles 25 and 26;Having reviewed Ministerial Order n° 20/04/MIN of 24/03/2003 establishing Internship for Medical doctors as modified to date;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in its session of 13/01/2010;HEREBY ORDERS:

Article One – Medical internship training

There is hereby established a one year period of intensive internship training for every medical doctor who successfully completes a bachelor's degree in general medicine. The intern conducts the internship under the supervision of a medical doctor designated by the National Internship Committee, hereinafter referred as “Committee”, prior to practicing medicine in Rwanda.

Article 2 – Waiving medical internship

Internship for medical doctors may be waived for any medical doctor who successfully completed his/her studies in general medicine from a foreign institution, who intends to practice in Rwanda, after justifying that he/she has proof of internship training from any foreign country.Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, any foreigner under the internship programme shall be required to meet his / her own expenses.

Article 3 – Committee and its composition

The Committee shall be the overall Organ in charge of regulating the matters relating to the internship programme.The Committee is chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry in charge of Health, and the Chairperson of the National Medical Council as its Vice-Chairperson.Other members of the Committee shall include:the National Internship Coordinator who is also the Secretary;four (4) Hospital Internship Coordinators representing the hospitals determined by the Rwanda Medical Council and approved by the Minister in charge of Health;the head of Human Resource and capacity building in the Ministry of Health;Two (2) persons among the Interns.

Article 4 – Responsibilities of the Committee

The main responsibilities of the Committee shall be the following:selecting the institutions where internship is conducted;determining the duration of medical internship and calendar of inspection;setting the evaluation criteria for the internship program.approving the number, distribution and allocation of internship candidates to each hospital;confirming the list of medical doctors who completed the internship program.

Article 5 – Responsibilities of the Coordinator of the Committee

The Committee Coordinator shall have the following responsibilities:proposing the allocation and coordination of the internship rotation between different hospitals and disciplines;implementing the Committee's directives;compiling and keeping track of performance data base;Under the directive of the Committee, preparing lists of interns who have completed internship as well as their certificates of completion;

Article 6 – Internship supervisor and his/her responsibilities

A hospital internship supervisor shall be recruited from each designated hospital and charged with:ensuring the standards and quality of the internship conducted in the hospital;coordinating the interns rotation in the internship conducting hospital;reporting to the Hospital Director and the National Internship Coordinator;continuous supervision of the Intern's training;responsible for evaluation of interns at the end of each rotation and issuance of performance report.

Article 7 – Interns Committee

Medical interns form an internship committee from among themselves to voice their interests and to suggest the best methods of improving the internship programme.The Committee is composed of the president, the vice president and the secretary.

Article 8 – Allocation and distribution of interns

Allocation of interns shall be done by the management of the hospital upon application in writing of each intern.

Article 9 – Internship facilities

Medical internship training will only be conducted in any hospital designated by the Committee.

Article 10 – Rotation during internship training

The medical internship training involves twelve (12) months rotation in any of the major disciplines, namely Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medicine and Paediatrics. The duration of each rotation is determined by the Committee as need arises.

Article 11 – Professional liability

During the period of internship, the specific institutions under which the intern is assigned, shall be liable for the actions and omissions committed by the medical intern in the exercise of his/her profession.However, the institution shall not be liable for acts committed through personal responsibility and negligence of the intern.

Article 12 – Internee privileges

During the programme of medical internship, each Rwandan medical intern receives a monthly salary, transport and accommodation allowances as determined by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Committee.

Article 13 – Budget

The needs of medical interns shall be catered for in the annual budget of the Ministry in charge of Health.

Article 14 – Code of conduct of interns

Every intern shall respect the Ethical Code of Conduct and the Patient Charter of Rights as provided for by the Government of Rwanda.

Article 15 – Policies and priorities

Without prejudice to provisions of Article One of this Order, prior to accomplishing the medical internship programme, the interns shall be introduced to the national health policies and priorities in matters of health and other government programmes.

Article 16 – Medical Internship Certificate

After completing successfully the internship programme, each medical intern is awarded a Medical Internship Certificate signed by the Minister in charge of Health upon recommendation by the Committee.The medical intern thereafter is eligible for enrolment as a medical practitioner as per the requirements of the Rwanda Medical Council and be eligible for registration under the medical registry of the ministry in charge of Health.

Article 17 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 18 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

28 June 2010 this version
03 June 2010
Assented to