Ministerial Order on Stray Cattle and Other Domestic Animals

Ministerial Order 9 of 2010


Ministerial Order on Stray Cattle and Other Domestic Animals

Ministerial Order 9 of 2010

The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law n° 54/2008 of 10/09/2008 2008 on prevention and fight against diseases affecting animals in Rwanda, especially in Articles 3, 4, 11, 18 and 19;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 09/07/2010;HEREBY ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provision

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order regulates the control of stray cattle and other domestic animals in Rwanda.

Chapter II
Non dangerous stray domestic animals

Article 2 – Stray animals in cities and elsewhere

Stray horses, cattle, sheep, goat, swine, poultry and all tamed wild animals deemed not dangerous or harmful are prohibited in urban areas, on public roads and in other people's properties.All animal husbandry in Rwanda should be carried out in a kraal or specifically known farm. Shall be considered as stray animal any animal found without any authorization from the concerned authority at a place other than where it is normally kept.Stray poultry other than pigeons on public street and in other people's properties is prohibited.Farmers that keep poultry that are prohibited from rambling shall make sure that this poultry is kept within two meters (2) of height at least.Any poultry farm and other buildings to house poultry shall be at least two (2) meters away from public road and shall not be a source of disturbance for the neighbourhood.

Article 3 – Movements of animals

When it is necessary for animals to shift from one place to another and the required authorization has been issued, the movement of these animals shall be organized as follows:cattle shall be accompanied by herdsmen, on the basis of one herdsman per eight (8) heads of cattle;the small animal shall be accompanied by herdsmen on the basis of one herdsman for twenty (20) heads of animals. In any case, their number shall not be below two (2) herdsmen;non harnessed horses shall be shifted by means of a lead;tamed wild animals deemed not dangerous or harmful, shall be kept on a leash while being shifted.If necessary, the Mayor of the District shall determine ways that cannot be used for the movement of animals referred to in Article One, if stray animals is prohibited.In such circumstances, the territorial authority shall determine routes that can be used and makes it public by written notice to be posted at the office of the local government.However, sick animals that are led to the vet place for treatment are not concerned by this notice.

Article 4 – Measures to be taken against stray animals

Any stray animal that falls within the provisions of Article 2 shall be captured by the administration, impounded, maintained, and fed at the expense of the owner or any other person who is responsible for the wandering of the animal.The impounding of a stray animal shall require a statement on the fact, of which a copy, as a notice to the public, shall be posted at the administration office.

Article 5 – Measures to be taken against owners of stray animals

The owner or other person who is responsible for impounded animal shall pay for the caretaking and feeding costs for the animal. The costs are charged as follows:for horses: 15,000 RWF per day;for cattle: 10,000 RW per day;for sheep: RWF 1000 per day;for goat RWF 1000 per day;For swine: RWF 2000 per day;For poultry: 300 RWF per day.The amount payable shall in no case be less than that for a full day charge.The daily charge for care and food of non dangerous and non harmful tame wild animals shall be determined by the Mayor of the District in concurrence with the veterinary authority, who expresses it by written notice.These animals can be slaughtered if the competent authority considers their maintenance dangerous or too costly.No compensation shall be claimed from the concerned authority for the decline of the health conditions or death of animals impounded.Impounded animals, which are not claimed within a time of fifteen (15) days for cattle and horses and three (3) days for other animals, shall be put on public sale by the territorial authority, following notice posted twenty-four (24) hours before the expiry of that period of time.The amount got from the public sale, after deduction of care and food costs as set in Paragraph One shall be put aside and available for the owner of the animal during one year as from the day of the sale.At the end of this time period, the amount got from the public sale shall be definitely paid into the treasury.The animals shall be slaughtered if selling them is impossible. The remains shall be destroyed or used for the benefit of the State, as directed by the District authorities.

Article 6 – Measures to be taken against stray animals that disturb the public order

Any animal found straying around in breach of this Order, shall be shot down by the administration if its capture is difficult or dangerous or if it is feared that it can harm people or their property, or in any way disturb the tranquility of people.No compensation may be claimed from the authority for the death of those animals.

Chapter III
Stray dogs

Article 7 – Declaration on detention of dogs

Each dog must carry a leather collar fitted with a numbered medal.Every dog owner shall ensure routine and annual immunization of dog against rabies.In urban areas, towns and villages, any dog owner shall declare it to the nearest police station or to the Executive Secretary of the Sector of his/her residence.

Article 8 – Penalties provided for owners of stray dogs

In urban areas, the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of this Order shall apply to any dog straying except for care and food expenses that are five thousand Rwandan francs (5,000 RWF) per day.The period of time to claim an impounded dog is fixed at three (3) days.

Article 9 – Measures to be taken against captured dogs without owners

Wherever stray dogs without owners are found, they shall be shot down by the veterinary authorities with the assistance of the Police.

Article 10 – Measures to be taken against stray dogs for which the action of shooting them down is not applicable

Instead of being publicly sold or shot down, the dogs may, upon written authorization of the District authority, be given to any official establishment for use in scientific research.

Chapter IV
Detention of dangerous wild animals

Article 11 – Keeping of wild animals

It is prohibited to keep wild animals recognized as dangerous or harmful, including the following animals: lions, leopards, hyenas, hunting dogs, baboons, crocodiles, venomous snakes, pitons, jackals, large birds of prey, serval, wild cats and other small carnivorous.However, the Minister in charge of animal resources, after consultation with the Minister in charge of national parks management, may authorize detention of such animals for scientific purposes or in the public interest.Such authorisation shall prescribe, in each case, the precaution measures to be taken by beneficiaries, in the public interest and any other appropriate measures. These authorisations may be revoked at any time when deemed necessary.

Chapter V

Article 12 – Penalties

Where the wild or domestic animals have caused serious damages including serious injury or death, the owner of the animal shall be punishable in accordance with laws in force.

Chapter VI
Final provisions

Article 13 – Repealing provision

All prior legal provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 14 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

13 December 2010 this version
18 November 2010
Assented to