Ministerial Order determining the Regulations for the Registration of Nurses and Midwives

Ministerial Order 22 of 2011


Ministerial Order determining the Regulations for the Registration of Nurses and Midwives

Ministerial Order 22 of 2011

The Minister of Health,Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in its Articles 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to the Law n° 25/2008 of 25/07/2008 Establishing the National Council of Nurses and Midwives and determining its organization, functioning and Competence, especially in Articles, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25;After consideration and adoption by the Cabinet in its session of 09/07/2010;HEREBY ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines regulations for registration of nurses and midwives by the National Council of Nurses and midwives, called National Council in the following articles.

Article 2 – Purpose of registration

The main purpose of registration is to ensure safety, quality and effective delivery of services in order to meet the objective of the National Council.

Article 3 – Nature, structure and content of the register

The registry shall have two (2) following forms:Electronic form of registry, andBook register.The register is made up of two major parts:Part for registered nurses and midwives;Part for assistants nurses and midwives.The information to be recorded in the register shall be the following:full names;date of birth;Academic qualifications;date of entry in the Registry;registration number;sex;place of residence;Title and the number of the certificate or diploma under which the registrant is recorded;any other relevant information on the applicant’s eligibility to practice the profession of nursing or midwifery.If the registered nurse or midwife acquires a new title or professional qualification, the new information must be proved so that it can be recorded in the register and replace, where appropriate, the previous one.The specific titles of each category of nurses and midwives shall be designated and recorded, as determined by the National Council.

Article 4 – Application for registration in the Register

Any nurse or midwife who intends to apply for registration shall do so in accordance with provisions of the Law n° 25/2008 of 25/07/2008 Establishing the National Council of Nurses and Midwives and determining its organization, functioning and competence.Any application for registration into the register shall be in writing and by use of forms provided by the National Council. The forms shall be accompanied by other relevant documents required in accordance with instructions of the Registration Committee.Application forms and accompanying documents shall be submitted to the registrar’s office in person or by registered mail.Any nurse or midwife who applies for registration shall pay a non-refundable fee deposited into the bank account of the National Council as prescribed in its internal rules and regulations before submitting the appropriate application forms.Where the required documents are in a language other than the official languages used in Rwanda, the applicant shall have them translated into any other official language by a competent authority before submitting them to the National Council.The applicant shall present the original documents at the time of submitting the completed forms and documents. Failure to do so, he/she shall present justifications or the application shall be rejected.

Article 5 – Acceptance for registration

Acceptance for registration shall be granted after the National Council is satisfied that all the requirements for registration are fulfilled.If all the requirements for registration are fulfilled, the nurse or midwife shall be registered in the appropriate part of the register and he or she shall be issued, by the National Council, renewable professional licence and certificate of registration.

Article 6 – Refusal of registration

The applicant may be denied registration if:the authenticity of his/her documents is questionable;his/her qualifications do not meet the standards of the National Council.In case of refusal of registration, the applicant shall have the right to appeal against the decision in accordance with Article 32 of the Law n°25/2008 of 25/07/2008 establishing the National Council of Nurses and Midwives and determining its organization, functioning and competence.

Article 7 – Access to register and modifications

Registration shall be for a three (3) year period. Its renewal depends on proof that the applicant has deeply developed his/her knowledge and professional practice.Access to the information contained in the register shall be restricted only to the registrar or any other authorised person.Only the registrar or any other authorised person shall be allowed to make alterations or modifications in the register.

Article 8 – Suspension and removal from the register

Any registered nurse or midwife shall be suspended from the register due to physical or mental impairment or misconduct.A registered nurse or midwife shall be suspended or definitively removed from the register on the decision of the judgment panel as provided for by the Law establishing the National Council of Nurses and Midwives and determining its organization, functioning and competence.

Article 9 – Reinstatement to the register

A nurse or midwife who is suspended from the register due to reasons of health or professional misconduct, shall be reinstated to the register only if the registrar, in accordance with internal rules and regulations, is shown evidence and is satisfied that the applicant is able to effectively practice and that there shall be no negative consequences on health of the recipients of the services.Reinstatement to the register shall be done in accordance with internal regulations. However, a nurse or midwife shall not be reinstated if he/she was removed from the register and:It is not yet the period permitted for reinstatement;the reason(s) for removal from the registry has/have not been resolved.

Article 10 – Verification of qualifications

Members of the Board of Directors of the National Council of Nurses and Midwives, its supporting committees and staff shall have their qualifications verified first.

Article 11 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 12 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

11 April 2011 this version
07 March 2011
Assented to