Ministerial Order establishing a List of Diseases which a Person Willing to Donate or Receive an Organ or a Tissue of Human Body must Undergo for Medical Tests

Ministerial Order 30 of 2012


Ministerial Order establishing a List of Diseases which a Person Willing to Donate or Receive an Organ or a Tissue of Human Body must Undergo for Medical Tests

Ministerial Order 30 of 2012

The Minister of Health,Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04/06/2003 as amended to date especially in Articles 10, 12, 15, 41, 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law nº 10/98 of 28/10/1998 determining the practice of the art of healing;Pursuant to Law nº 30/2001 of 12/06/2001 determining the organization, functioning and scope of activities of the Medical Council;Pursuant to Law nº 04/2010 of 16/4/2010 regulating therapeutic, educational and scientific utilization of organs and products of the human body, especially in Article 7;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 21/12/2011;HEREBY ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order establishes a list of diseases which a person willing to donate or receive an organ or a tissue of human body must undergo for a medical test.

Article 2 – List of diseases

The list of diseases mentioned in Paragraph One of this Article is annexed to this Order.

Article 3 – Update of the list of diseases

The list of diseases which a person willing to donate or receive an organ or tissue of human body shall be updated every two (2) years.

Article 4 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 5 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.


The diseases which a person willing to donate an organ must undergo for a medical test shall be the following:HIVHepatitis B surface antigenHepatitis C IgM antibodyCMV IgM antibodyCMV IgG antibodyEpstein bar virus IgM antibodyEpstein bar virus IgG antibodyVDRLRenal function tests10°Liver function tests11°Lipid profile12°Blood Sugar/ GTT13°Chest X-ray14°Mammography/ breast ultrasound for women15°Renal MRA16°Abdominal U/S17°ECG18°Pap smear for women19°Prostate specific antigen for men above 50 years20°Carcino-embryonic antigen for donors above 50 years21°Urinalysis/PCR22°Others as clinically indicated
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History of this document

21 May 2012 this version
18 April 2012
Assented to