Ministerial Order determining the Modalities for Deployment of Medical Staff in Health Sector

Ministerial Order 31 of 2012


Ministerial Order determining the Modalities for Deployment of Medical Staff in Health Sector

Ministerial Order 31 of 2012

Minister of Health,Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law nº 22/2002 of 09/07/2002 on General Statutes for Rwanda Public Service, especially in Articles 16, 17, 18, 24 and 35;Pursuant to Law nº 08/2006 of 24/02/2006 determining the Organization and Functioning of District, especially in its Article 20;Pursuant to the Presidential Order nº 46/01 of 29/07/2011 governing modalities for the recruitment, appointment and nomination of public servants especially in Article 27;On proposal by the Minister of Health;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in its session of 04/04/2012;HEREBY ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines the modalities for deployment of medical doctors and other health professionals in public health institutions.

Article 2 – Registration on the list of health professional bodies

All medical doctors and other health professionals are required to be registered under their respective health professional bodies.

Article 3 – Appointment of medical doctors and other health professionals with A1 level and above

Medical doctors and other health professionals of A1 level and above are appointed by the Minister in charge of Health, without competition, after proving that their positions are available in the organizational structure and are duly budgeted for.Only the Directors of hospitals are appointed after a competition organized by the Ministry in charge of health.

Article 4 – Non-objection for recruitment of health professionals

Doctors and other health professionals from A1 and above who are paid from the budget of development partners and the hospital budget are appointed upon successfully pass the test organized for that purpose by the hospital and with a no-abjection from the Minister of Health. Their salary conforms to staff of the public service.Health facilities sign a contract with the successful candidates after receiving the non objection from the Minister in charge of Health.The Board of Directors of the hospital or the Health Committee of the health center make available to the District Mayor the list of candidates to be appointed and provides evidence for availability of the budget for this purpose.The District submits a request for non-objection to the Minister in charge of Health.

Article 5 – Recruitment of A2 level nurses

No institution is allowed to hire nurses of A2 level of education. However, existing A2 level nurses continue to work.In the event where an A2 level nurse resigns, she/he is replaced by another nurse with superior level, A1 minimum.

Article 6 – Appointment of other support staff working in health sector

All support staff working in the health sector are appointed after successfully passing the interviews as provided for under Presidential Order nº 46/01 of 29/07/2011 governing the modalities for recruitment, appointment and nomination of public servants.All support staffs that have successfully passed the interviews organized for this purpose are appointed by the Mayor of the district on proposal of the Board of Directors at the hospital level or Health Committee at the health center level. The recruitment report is attached to the letter requesting for appointment.

Article 7 – Administration of the Hospital and health center

The Minister having health in its attributions appoints the Director of the Hospital and Hospital administrators/Managers.The District Council appoints the Head of the health center. From the month of January 2013, no A2 level nurse shall head a health center unless she/he is registered in continuing education of A1 nurse level and has graduated from A1 level by December 2017.

Article 8 – Role of the District in the staffing of the hospital and health centre

The District authority shall ensure the enforcement of laws governing the appointment of staff working at the hospital and health center that are paid from the budget of development partners and budget of the hospital.

Article 9 – Repealing provisions

All previous provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 10 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

18 June 2012 this version
18 April 2012
Assented to