Ministerial Order determining the Conditions for Granting Accreditation to a Private Institution of Higher Learning, Upgrading the Level of Teaching, Opening a College, a School, a Faculty or an Affiliated Research Institute

Ministerial Order 1 of 2013


Ministerial Order determining the Conditions for Granting Accreditation to a Private Institution of Higher Learning, Upgrading the Level of Teaching, Opening a College, a School, a Faculty or an Affiliated Research Institute

Ministerial Order 1 of 2013

The Minister of Education;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 40, 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law nº 27/2013 of 24/05/2013 governing the organisation and functioning of higher education, especially in Articles 10 and 15;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 11/09/2013;HEREBY ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines the conditions for granting accreditation to a private institution of higher learning, upgrading the level of teaching, opening a college, a school, a faculty or an affiliated research institute.

Article 2 – Conditions for a private institution of higher learning to acquire accreditation

The request for accreditation of a private institution of higher learning shall be made in writing to the Minister in charge of higher education by the owner of the institution.The application letter for accreditation of a private institution of higher learning shall be accompanied by the following documents:identification of the owner when he/she is a physical person or a certificate of legal personality when it is a legal entity;a list of full time academic, administrative and technical staff indicating their qualifications and letters of consent for their intent to be employed;a detailed document describing the name of the institution, head office, land, buildings and movable property including those related to the programmes to be offered by the higher learning institution;a detailed document on the conditions of admission of students in each programme to be offered by the institution;an estimate number of expected students and expected teaching levels of the institution;a document indicating the initial annual budget;any other document that may be required by the Minister in charge of higher education.

Article 3 – Conditions for a private institution of higher learning accredited to issue its first exit awards

A private institution of higher learning granted an operating license shall undergo an overall assessment of its performance by Higher Education Council (HEC) a year prior to its level of issuing its first exit awards.If the overall assessment of the institution’s performance indicates failure of the institution’s application of the Law n° 27/2013 of 24/05/2013 governing the organization and functioning of higher education, in Article 18, the institution of higher learning shall be suspended from its operation and issuing of the proposed exit awards.

Article 4 – Conditions for a private institution of higher learning to upgrade the level of teaching

The request for upgrading a level of teaching shall be made in writing to the Minister in charge of higher education, by the owner of the concerned private institution of higher learning.The application letter for upgrading to level of teaching shall be accompanied by the following documents:the name of the institution of higher learning, location and education levels offered;a detailed document indicating the education level to be upgraded, the mission and objectives of the institution to upgrade the level of teaching;a list of existing full time academic, administrative and technical staff of the higher learning institution and planned personnel to work for the level of teaching to be upgraded and their qualifications;an number of existing and expected students to be admitted in the level of teaching to be upgraded;a document indicating the allocated budget to the level of teaching to be established;any other document that may be required by the Minister in charge of higher education.

Article 5 – Conditions for a private institution of higher learning to establish a college, a school, a faculty or an affiliated research institute

The request for a private institution of higher learning to establish a college, a school, a faculty or an affiliated research institute shall be made in writing, by the owner of the institution, to the Minister in charge of higher education.The application letter of a private institution of higher learning to establish a college, a school, a faculty or an affliated research institute shall be accompanied by the following ducuments:the name of the institution of higher learning, location, teaching programs and structure of the college, the school, the faculty or the affiliated research institute to be established;the mission and objectives of the institution for establishing a college, a school, a faculty or an affliated research institute;a list of existing full time academic, administrative and technical staff of the higher learning institution and planned personnel to work in the college, school, faculty or affiliated research institute to be established indicating their qualifications;a detailed document describing location, land, buildings and movable property including those related to the programmes to be offered by the established college, school, faculty or affiliated research institute;an estimate number of existing and expected students to be admited in the college, school or faculty to be established;a document indicating the annual budget of the institution;any other document that may be required by the Minister in charge of Higher Education.

Article 6 – Conditions for a foreign institution of higher learning to establish a campus in Rwanda

The request for a foreign institution of higher learning to establish a campus in Rwanda shall be made in writing, by the owner of the institution, to the Minister in charge of higher education.The application letter of a foreign institution of higher learning to establish a campus in Rwanda shall be accompanied by the following documents:the white paper or charter accrediting the parent institution;a document that accredits the curricula to be offered;a detailed document describing buildings and movable property, especially a well stocked and updated library of both physical materials, within the premises intended for operation;a list of academic, administrative and technical staff planned for the campus to be established and their qualifications;an estimate number of expected students to be admitted in the campus to be established;a document describing the admission criteria in the campus to be established;any other document that may be required by the Minister in charge of higher education.A campus of foreign institution of higher learning established in Rwanda shall be considered as a private institution of higher learning in Rwanda.

Article 7 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 8 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

23 December 2013 this version
15 November 2013
Assented to