Ministerial Order determining Responsibilities, Organisation and Functioning of District Land Bureau

Ministerial Order 3 of 2014


Ministerial Order determining Responsibilities, Organisation and Functioning of District Land Bureau

Ministerial Order 3 of 2014

The Minister of Natural Resources;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 4th June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 120 and 201;Pursuant to Law n° 43/2013 of 16/06/2013 governing land in Rwanda, especially in Article 32;After consideration and adoption by the Cabinet, in its meeting of 28/03/2014;ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines the responsibilities, organization, functioning of district land bureau and determines also the working relationship with other institutions having land in their attributions.

Chapter II

Article 2 – General responsibilities of the District Land Bureau

The District land bureau is responsible for land management, land administration and land use in the district.The District Land Bureau shall have the following responsibilities:to prepare documents proving land ownership and present them to Registrar of Land Titles to issue a certificate of land registration;to monitor and approve land survey within the district jurisdiction in accordance with procedures and methods provided by the law and other instructions;to monitor land valuation in accordance with methods provided by the law and other instructions;advise the national institution in charge of land registration and geo-information services and district authorities on all matters related to land;supervise and monitor land use within the district.On land use and development, the District Land Officer shall make prior consultations with other institutions of regulation.

Article 3 – Special responsibilities of the District Land Officer

The District Land Officer shall be in charge of:leading and coordinating all activities of the land bureau;approving and authentifying of land transfer documents;training of staff in charge of land management at sector level;compiling and analysing land use reports submitted by all sectors composing the district;advising the district’s and sector’s authorities on matters related to land management and land use;availing information from land registry in accordance with instructions of the Registrar of land titles.

Chapter III

Article 4 – District land bureau staff recruitment

The District Land Officer, as well as other staff of the land bureau, shall be recruited by the district council based on the advise from the national institution in charge of land registration and geo-information services.

Article 5 – Replacement of District Land Officer in case of absence

In case of absence of the district land officer, the latter shall appoint his replacement from among district land bureau staff and shall inform, in writing, the District Mayor and Registrar of Land Titles in charge of the zone where the district is located. In that written notice, he/she shall indicate with precission tasks that would be done by his/her replacement.For the responsibility of approving land transaction contracts, the Registrar of Land Titles appoints a District Land Officer from another district within the same zone who shall be standing in for approving land transfer contracts until he/she shall return to work.

Article 6 – Instructions related to functioning

The District land bureau receives instructions related to techinical functioning from national institution in charge of land registration and geo-information services. The letter institution evaluates the techincal functioning of the district land bureau.

Article 7 – Reporting

Every quarter, the district land officer shall transmit a report of activities to the national institution in charge of the national land registry and geo-information services and shall give a copy to the Mayor of the District of deployment.

Chapter IV
Final provisions

Article 8 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 9 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

21 April 2014 this version
14 April 2014
Assented to