Ministerial Order determining requirements for Burying in Places of Worship

Ministerial Order 11 of 2015


Ministerial Order determining requirements for Burying in Places of Worship

Ministerial Order 11 of 2015

The Minister of Local Government,Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 4 June 2003, as amended to date, especially in Articles 120, 121, and 201;Pursuant to Law nº 11/2013 of 11/03/2013 determining organisation and use of cemeteries especially in Article 11;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in its session of 10/09/2014;HEREBY ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines requirements for burying in places of worship.

Article 2 – Definition of terms

A place of worship” means a building of religious-based organisation which owns an authorisation as issued by a competent authority.

Chapter II
Requirements for burying in places of worship

Article 3 – Burying in places of worship

A burial location in a place of worship is a specified place identified on a map of the place of worship.Application procedures are the same as those provided for by the Law nº 11/2013 of 11/03/2013 determining organization and use of cemeteries.

Article 4 – Application for authorization to bury in a place of worship

A legal representative of a registered religious ministry or church where the deceased was born or from where he died shall apply for authorization to bury the body in a place of worship.

Article 5 – Authority to issue authorization to bury in a place of worship

The Mayor of the District in which a religious ministry or a church seeking authorization to bury is located is the authority to issue authorization to bury in a place of worship.

Article 6 – Requirements for a person to be buried in a place of worship

Any person who requests for authorization to bury a dead body in a place of worship shall present:the statutes and Internal rules and regulations of a religious ministry or church which accept burial of a dead body in a place of worship;a letter requesting for authorization to bury in a place of warship addressed to the Mayor of the District in which the deceased will be buried. The letter shall justify the burial of the deceased in a place of worship;identification of the deceased for whom authorization to be buried in a place of worship has been applied.

Chapter III
Final provisions

Article 7 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed

Article 8 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

16 November 2015 this version
06 August 2015
Assented to