Ministerial Order determining the Characteristics of Smoking Areas and the Content which shall be Included in the Notice to be Displayed in the Smoking Area

Ministerial Order 33 of 2015


Ministerial Order determining the Characteristics of Smoking Areas and the Content which shall be Included in the Notice to be Displayed in the Smoking Area

Ministerial Order 33 of 2015

The Minister of Health;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003, as amended to date, especially in Articles 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law nº 08/2013 of 01/03/2013 relating to the control of tobacco, especially in Article 12;After consideration, and approval by the Cabinet in its session of 20/03/2015;ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines characteristics of smoking areas and the content which shall be included in the notice to be displayed in smoking areas.

Article 2 – Characteristics of a smoking area

A smoking area is one which does not permit access to people under the age of eighteen (18) and is clearly marked as smoking area.

Article 3 – Dimensions of the sign posts

A smoking sign post must comply with the following:measure at least 50cm by 50cm in dimension;bear the information "SMOKING AREA", written in red with white background in Kinyarwanda, English and French.

Article 4 – Location of the smoking area

The smoking area must be situated in an open space area of the premise, nearby doors and windows with access to open air or installed with suitable ventilation and extraction solutions to ensure that there is no smoke drift from smoking area into the rest of the premises in accordance with the decision of inspector;The smoking area must also be equipped with suitable non combustible receptacles such ash trays to enable smokers extinguish and discard cigarette ends.

Article 5 – Notices displayed in smoking area

In the premises designated for smoking must be displayed clear notices, inside premises, in Kinyarwanda, English or French, indicating that smoking is only allowed within the designated area and prohibits smoking anywhere on the premises. The notice must include information about the penalty for violations.

Article 6 – Notice of prohibition of smoking in no smoking places

The manager or owner of the premise designated for smoking must display the notice of prohibition of smoking in no smoking places of the premise in such a prominent place that any person entering the premise will easily see and be able to read the notice.The posted notice must essentially comply with the following:cover a surface area of at least 50 cm by 50 in dimension;the warning text must include the words “NO SMOKING IN THIS AREA”, written in red on white background in Kinyarwanda, English and French. The text must cover 60% of the sign post;in addition, the words mentioned in 2º must bear a no smoking sign of a cigarette in a red circle with a red line passing through a cigarette diagonally from top left to bottom right annexed to this Order.

Article 7 – Repealing provisions

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 8 – Commencement

This Order comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.


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History of this document

29 June 2015 this version
09 June 2015
Assented to