Ministerial Order determining the Code of Ethics for Pharmacy Profession

Ministerial Order 37 of 2015


Ministerial Order determining the Code of Ethics for Pharmacy Profession

Ministerial Order 37 of 2015

The Minister of Health;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law n° 45/2012 of 14/01/2013 on organization, functioning and competence of the council of pharmacists especially in Article 42;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 04/05/2015;ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order articulates the values of the pharmacy profession and expected standards of behaviour of pharmacy professionals to clients and the society. It is designed to guide and support professional practice of all pharmacy professionals.

Article 2 – Scope of application

This Order applies to pharmacy professionals who practice pharmacy profession in Rwanda.

Chapter II
Ethics for pharmacy professionals

Article 3 – Health and welfare of clients and community

A pharmacy professional must make health and welfare of clients and community his/her prime concern.A pharmacy professional must purchase medicines or any other health commodities that comply with high quality to guarantee safety and efficacy of products supplied to clients.

Article 4 – Protection of confidential information

A pharmacy professional must respect the confidentiality of information relating to clients acquired in the course of professional practice.However, such information may be disclosed only if:the client gives his/her consent;the health of the client or of others is at risk;it is required by a legally authorized official or by any other person with powers of attorney;the court decision orders the release of such information;where the information is released to any person who legally represents the patient.

Article 5 – Reputation and public trust of the profession

A pharmacy professional must:demonstrate accepted standards of professional and personal behaviour;respect the trust that clients and the society place on him or her;willingly provide accurate, truthful and relevant information in a form that is appropriate for and not misleading to clients.

Article 6 – Exercise professional judgement in the interest clients and the public

A Pharmacy Professional must:exercise his/her professional judgment and act in the best interest of clients and the public;ensure that his/her professional judgment is not impaired by any commercial interests.

Article 7 – Encourage clients to participate in decisions about their healthcare plan

A pharmacy professional must:at all times involve a client in the decision making of his/her treatment;always provide the client with any relevant and appropriate information regarding his or her treatment.

Article 8 – Contemporary professional knowledge

A pharmacy professional must:maintain a contemporary knowledge in pharmacy practices in order to fulfil his / her responsibilities;recognize the benefits of continuous professional development, self-assessment, appraisal or peer review, of professional performance and respond appropriately to the outcomes;apply his/her knowledge and skills appropriately for the professional development and advancement.

Article 9 – Professional accountability

A pharmacy professional must:exercise professional autonomy, objectivity and independence, and avoid actual and potential situations of conflict of interest;behave in a manner which makes it clear that he / she is responsible and accountable for all decisions made and actions taken in professional practice;communicate with team members regarding each person’s sphere of responsibility and line of reporting;ensure that the working environment and conditions are conducive to the optimal delivery of health care services and do not present a risk to the safety and care of clients or colleagues;respond to complaints and criticisms with honesty, transparency and professional courtesy;be personally accountable for compliance with all legal and professional requirements.

Chapter III
Collaboration with health professionals

Article 10 – Collaboration with colleagues

A pharmacy professional must provide assistance or professional advice to professional colleagues if considered necessary.

Article 11 – Collaboration with other health professionals

A pharmacy professional shall:exercise professional independence and judgment and be cognizant of own scope of professional practice when providing support and advice to other health professionals;respect and understand the expertise of other health professionals;consult and cooperate with other health professionals to achieve expected health outcomes for clients;establish good working relationships and promote agreed communication paths with other health professionals to enable the delivery of best possible outcomes.

Chapter IV
Rights of clients

Article 12 – Right to make a decision relating to treatment

A client shall be entitled to the right to make decisions on his/her treatment.A client shall be entitled to the right to access relevant information and advice to ensure that an informed decision is made.A client shall be entitled to the right to refuse treatment, care or advice, or to withdraw consent at any time. Where a client refuses treatment or withdraws consent to use a given medication, after receiving full information from a pharmacy professional, the client shall be required to sign on a note indicating reasons for the refusal or withdrawal of consent.

Article 13 – Right to raise concern or complaint

A client is entitled to the right to raise concern or complaint on the care, medication or services offered to him/her.

Article 14 – Right to confidentiality of personal information

A client is entitled to the right to privacy and confidentiality of information that has come to the knowledge of the pharmacy professional.

Article 15 – Right to continuity of care

A client is entitled to the right of continuity of care. However, a pharmacy professional must, if considered necessary, assist and refer a client to another pharmacy professional in order to maintain continuity of service and care.

Chapter V
Final provisions

Article 16 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 17 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

30 November 2015 this version
30 October 2015
Assented to