Instructions of the Minister establishing the List of Unauthorised Drinks Considered as Simple Narcotic Drugs

Ministerial Order 20 of 2019


Instructions of the Minister establishing the List of Unauthorised Drinks Considered as Simple Narcotic Drugs

Ministerial Order 20 of 2019

Minister of Health;Pursuant to Ministerial Order n° 001/MoH/2019 of 04/03/2019 establishing the list of narcotic drugs and their categorization, especially in Article 6,ISSUES THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONS:

Article One – Purpose of these regulations

These Instructions establish the list of unauthorised drinks considered as simple narcotic drugs.

Article 2 – List of unauthorised drinks considered as simple narcotic drugs

The list of unauthorised drinks considered as simple narcotic drugs is annexed to these regulations.

Article 3 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to these Instructions are repealed.

Article 4 – Commencement

These regulations come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.


Unauthorised drinks considered as simple narcotic drugs

gasoline (inhaled)glue (inhaled)kanyangachief Waragekitokozebra Ginsimba Warageking Waragesuzie Warage10°leaving Warage11°coffee Spirit12°host Warage13°special Zebra14°kirabiranya15°muriture16°umugori17°umunanasi18°nyirantare19°yewemuntu20°igikwangari21°rukanyaginshege22°any substance that contains more than zero and a half percent (0.5%) of methanol and more than forty-five percent (45%) of Ethanol in the composition.
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History of this document

26 July 2019 this version
31 May 2019
Assented to