Ministerial Order determining Court Fees in Civil, Commercial, Labour and Administrative and Criminal Matters

Ministerial Order 17 of 2020


Ministerial Order determining Court Fees in Civil, Commercial, Labour and Administrative and Criminal Matters

Ministerial Order 17 of 2020

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 121, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law nº 22/2018 of 29/04/2018 relating to the civil, commercial, labour and administrative procedure, especially in Articles 269, 271 and 272;Pursuant to Law nº 027/2019 of 19/09/2019 relating to the criminal procedure, especially in Articles 206, 254 and 260;Having reviewed Ministerial Order n° 001/08.11 of 11/02/2014 on court fees for criminal matters;Having reviewed Ministerial Order nº 133/MOJ/AG/18 of 04/06/2018 on court fees in civil, commercial, social and administrative matters;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in its meeting of 27/10/2020;ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines deposit court fees and other fees in civil, commercial, labour, administrative and criminal matters.

Article 2 – Determination of the amount of deposit court fees

The amount of deposit court fees is determined as follows:Primary Court:ten thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 10,000);Intermediate Court:twenty thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 20,000);Commercial Court:twenty thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 20,000);High Court:forty thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 40,000);Commercial High Court:forty thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 40,000);Court of Appeal:fifty thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 50,000).In the Supreme Court, deposit court fees are not charged.Deposit court fees referred to in this Article are paid to the Public Treasury and are not refunded.Deposit court fees paid in military courts are equal to that paid in ordinary courts of the same level.

Article 3 – Payment of deposit court fees

The court informs the one who want to lodge a claim the bank account number on which the deposit court fees are deposited.The proof of payment of those fees is recorded in the case file.

Article 4 – Restitution of deposit court fees to the winning party

When the party who paid deposit court fees wins the case, the judge orders the losing party to refund those deposit court fees to the winning party and determines the time within which the refund is to be made.Recovery of deposit court fees is done in accordance with provisions of laws relating to enforcement of court decisions.

Article 5 – Allowances granted to a medical doctor, interpreter and another expert

Allowances granted to a medical doctor, interpreter or another expert are fixed by the bench of judges according to fees usually paid in the concerned field.

Article 6 – Allowance granted to a witness

The allowance granted to a witness is ten thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 10,000) each day.A witness who stays outside his or her residence, is entitled to an allowance of twenty thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 20,000) for accommodation and meals every day.When a witness has appeared in court from a foreign country, the court fixes for him or her the transport allowance, accommodation and per diem.The allowance referred to in this Article is paid by the party who requested for the witness to be heard.During deliberation, the judge orders the losing party to refund the winning party the allowance granted to the witness basing on a receipt that the winning party presents to the court.

Article 7 – Determination of transport fees

Transport fees are determined in accordance with the rules and regulations relating to transport in general.

Article 8 – Costs for a copy of a document from the case file

A person who needs a copy of a document from the court file or any other document made by the court pays five hundred Rwandan francs (FRW 500) per page to a bank account determined by the court and present the proof of payment to the court.

Article 9 – Repealing provision

Ministerial Order nº 133/MOJ/AG/18 of 04/06/2018 on court fees in civil, commercial, social and administrative matters, Ministerial Order nº 001/08.11 of 11/02/2014 on court fees for criminal matters and all prior provisions contrary to this Order are repealed.
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History of this document

02 November 2020 this version
30 October 2020
Assented to