Ministerial Order providing for the Particular Means to Support the Victim of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons

Ministerial Order 13 of 2021


Ministerial Order providing for the Particular Means to Support the Victim of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons

Ministerial Order 13 of 2021

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 121, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law nº 51/2018 of 13/08/2018 relating to the prevention, suppression, and punishment of trafficking in persons and exploitation of others, especially in Article 11;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its meeting of 14/07/2021;ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order provides for other particular means to support the victim of the crime of trafficking in persons and services available.

Article 2 – Provision of basic assistance

A person suspected to be trafficked is provided with basic assistance and protection to prevent further abuse and insecurity.

Article 3 – Shelter

A victim of the crime of trafficking in persons in Rwanda or a victim of that crime repatriated from abroad who is unable or does not want to immediately return to his or her origin, who is unable to support himself or herself or who has no place of residence in Rwanda is received and temporarily sheltered at a place designated by the organ in charge of Isange One Stop Center service.The victim is sheltered for a period not exceeding six (6) months in consideration of his or her age, sex or the category of trafficking undergone.The victim sheltered is provided with basic needs, including food, drinks, clothes, and hygiene items.

Article 4 – Medical services

A victim of crime of trafficking in persons is provided with medical treatment and psychosocial services until he or she recovers and shows comfort and peace of mind regarding the acts undergone.The first medical examination must be performed even if the victim appears to be in good health.

Article 5 – Budget for providing support

The institution in charge of Isange One Stop Center service provides annually the budget to cover the cost of support and services referred to in Articles 3 and 4 of this Order.

Article 6 – Report on registered victims

Isange One Stop Center service prepares, every six (6) months, a report on registered cases of victims of crime of trafficking in persons. The report is submitted to the organ in charge of Isange One Stop Center service with a copy to the Ministry in charge of Justice.

Article 7 – Confidentiality and right to privacy

Information regarding the victim of crime of trafficking in persons is confidential and treated in respect of his or her right to confidentiality and privacy. The information may be shared only when it is necessary and with the victim’s consent.Confidential information includes information provided by the victim of crime of trafficking in persons and those regarding his or her health status.

Article 8 – Reintegration

If the victim of crime of trafficking in persons has recovered and is being prepared for reintegration, the organ in charge of Isange One Stop Center service hands over him or her to the District administration of his or her domicile so that the administration may assist him or her to be reintegrated.The organ in charge of Isange One Stop Center service informs the Minister in charge of Local Government and the Minister in charge of Justice of the handing over referred to in Paragraph One of this Article.If the victim is a foreigner and is unable or does not wish to return to his or her country, he or she is assisted to obtain a residence permit or asylum in Rwanda.

Article 9 – Education and technical and vocational training

The District administration to whom the victim of crime of trafficking in persons who dropped out from the general or technical and vocational basic education was handed over, assists him or her to complete the interrupted education.

Article 10 – Assistance in job creation

The District administration to whom the victim of crime of trafficking in persons was handed over assists him or her to create a job corresponding to his or her abilities and educational level.

Article 11 – Monitoring

The District administration to whom the victim of trafficking in persons was handed over continues to monitor and care for him or her after he or she is reintegrated at least for a period of two (2) years.Within that period, the District administration makes a written report every six (6) months on the welfare of the victim who was reintegrated or who has been granted a residence permit or asylum in Rwanda. The report is submitted to the Ministry in charge of Local Government with a copy to the Ministry in charge of Justice and the Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration.

Article 12 – Commencement

This Order comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

30 August 2021 this version
29 August 2021
Assented to