Ministerial Order relating to Assisting Actors and Volunteers in case of Disaster Response

Ministerial Order 1 of 2018


Ministerial Order relating to Assisting Actors and Volunteers in case of Disaster Response

Ministerial Order 1 of 2018

The Minister of Disaster Management and Refugees;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 121, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law no 41/2015 of 29/08/2015 relating to disaster management, especially in Articles 15 and 25;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 11/04/2018;ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines the following:modalities to mobilise volunteers and their functioning;requirements for disaster assisting actors who seek facilitation in case of disaster.

Article 2 – Definitions

In this Order, the following terms have the following meanings:Minister: Minister in charge of disaster management;Ministry: Ministry in charge of disaster management;volunteer: a natural person who provides services, skills and knowledge for the benefit of other people on voluntary basis and without financial or any other personal gain.

Chapter II
Volunteers in case of disasters

Section One – Mobilisation of volunteers

Article 3 – Mobilisation of volunteers

The Ministry cooperates with Districts and the National Platform for Disaster Management to mobilise people working as volunteers in case of disaster response.

Article 4 – Call for volunteers in case of disasters

The Ministry basing on the needs during disasters, calls volunteers to intervene in the response.

Article 5 – Criteria of selection of volunteers

To be selected as a volunteer, a person must:be at least eighteen (18) years of age;have an identity card or any other document to replace it;be physically fit;accept to work without remuneration.

Article 6 – Duties of a volunteer

A volunteer has the following duties:assist victims of disasters;support existing Government efforts to help communities to prepare for disasters, mitigate gravity of disasters, respond and recover from disasters;cooperate with other stakeholders intervening in case of disaster response;avoid misuse of available resources earmarked for the assistance of a disaster-stricken people;subordination;consideration of vulnerable people;impartiality;8 ºteamwork.

Article 7 – Assignments of volunteers in case of response

In case of response, volunteers carry out the following assignments:to gather information;to evacuate people in case of disaster;to assess the needs in case of disaster;to provide victims with material support;to provide victims with medical care;to provide victims with psycho-social support;to assess needs for recovery and rehabilitation.

Section 2 – Functioning of volunteers

Article 8 – Commencement and end of volunteership

The volunteership begins with disaster response and ends at the end of rehabilitation.Volunteership also ends when it is no longer needed.

Article 9 – Training of volunteers

The Ministry and Districts, in collaboration with the National Platform for Disaster Management, provide trainings to volunteers to enable them to carry out their duties.

Article 10 – Volunteers equipment

The Ministry and Districts in collaboration with the National Platform for Disaster Management provide volunteers with the necessary equipment to enable them execute their duties.

Article 11 – Deployment of volunteers

Volunteers operate at Cell, Sector, District and at national levels.At each level, volunteers elect among themselves a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary.The Ministry and Districts in collaboration, with the National Platform for Disaster Management, establish the volunteer clubs at Cell, Sector, District and at national levels.

Article 12 – Response action instructions

Before commencement of response action, every volunteer is given rules of conduct and modalities for their implementation.

Article 13 – Facilitation granted to volunteers

The Ministry facilitates volunteers in transport, meals and accommodation.

Chapter III
Facilitation of assisting actors in case of disaster

Article 14 – Requirements for assisting actors who seek facilitation

An assisting actor who seeks facilitation must fulfill the following requirements:sufficient knowledge that helps him or her in execution of his or her duties effectively, determined by a degree relating to his or her qualification and an experience in assisting victims of disasters;sufficient budget for planned activities and necessary and sufficient equipment to be used during the period of assistance.

Article 15 – Documents accompanying the letter of application for facilitation

The letter of application for facilitation must be accompanied by the following documents:a copy of identity card;a document indicating that the applicant carries out activities related to rescue.

Article 16 – Modalities of granting facilitation

If the Minister analyses the application requesting for facilitation and finds it compliant with requirements, he or she requests in writing the competent authority to grant the requested facilitation.

Chapter IV
Final provisions

Article 17 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are repealed.

Article 18 – Commencement

This Order comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

25 June 2018 this version
21 June 2018
Assented to