Ministerial Order relating to the National Report on Climate Change

Ministerial Order 5 of 2021


Ministerial Order relating to the National Report on Climate Change

Ministerial Order 5 of 2021

The Minister of Environment;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 121, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law n° 48/2018 of 13/08/2018 on environment, especially in Article 24;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in its meeting of 18/01/2021;ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines the procedure of preparing the national report on climate change and the responsibilities of organs involved in the report preparation.

Article 2 – Definitions

In this Order, the following terms have the following meanings:Authority: the national authority in charge of environment conservation;Convention: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 9 May 1992, signed in Rio de Janeiro;national greenhouse gases inventory: an inventory of all anthropogenic emissions by sources and removal by sinks of all greenhouse gases not governed by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, concluded at Montreal on 16 September 1987.

Chapter II
Preparation of the national report on climate change

Article 3 – Content of the national report on climate change

The national report on climate change contains:national circumstances;the national greenhouse gases inventory;the national status of vulnerability to climate change;programmes containing adequate measures to facilitate adaptation to climate change;programmes containing measures to mitigate climate change;constraints, gaps, and related financial, technical and capacity needs;other necessary information required for the achievement of the objectives of the Convention.

Article 4 – Information on national circumstances

Information on national circumstances indicate:national and regional development priorities;objectives and circumstances, based on which climate change and its adverse impacts are addressed;geographical characteristics including climate, forests, land use and other environmental characteristics;population growth rate, distribution, density and other vital statistics;national economy, including energy, transport, industry, mining, tourism, agriculture, fisheries, waste, health and services sector;education, including scientific, technical and research institutions;all other necessary information related to national circumstances.

Article 5 – Procedure of developing national circumstances chapter

The procedure of developing the national circumstances chapter is the following:to analyse development priorities, objectives and national circumstances in order to address climate change;to examine possibilities for incorporation of climate change concerns into national or regional priorities, objectives, circumstances and programs;to update information on geographic and climate profiles, natural resources, economic and sector profile, infrastructural, legal, political and institutional framework;to update the circumstances on the national chapter and to include it in the report of the national climate change.

Article 6 – National greenhouse gases inventory

The national greenhouse gases inventory indicates:procedures and arrangements undertaken to collect and archive data for the preparation of national greenhouse gases inventories;emissions of greenhouses gases per sector;emissions of greenhouses gases per gas category;quality assurance and quality control procedures;an uncertainty analysis;analysis of key categories;assessment of the completeness of collected information;planned improvements;any other information relevant to greenhouse gases inventory.

Article 7 – Data collection and documentation

The team that undertakes the greenhouse gases inventory documents the methodologies, datasets including activity data, emission factors and assumptions used to estimate emissions and removals from each category of activities on which the inventory was undertaken.The greenhouse gases inventory team collects data as follows:to review available activity data already archived;to identify new activity data exhausting all possible greenhouse gases emissions sources;to select the appropriate emission factors;to identify gaps where possible;to select appropriate methodology to fill data gaps.

Article 8 – Emission estimate and preparation of national inventory report

The greenhouse gases inventory team estimates emissions and develops a national inventory report as follows:to make estimates of the greenhouse gases emissions inventory and develop inventory time series;to conduct quality control of data activity, emission factors and greenhouse gases emissions;to conduct uncertainty assessment;to conduct key emission category analysis;to prepare sectoral reports, compiled national inventory report and developing greenhouse gases inventory chapter for national climate change report.

Article 9 – Preparation of the chapter on greenhouse gases mitigation assessment

A person who prepares the chapter on greenhouse gases mitigation assessment must:estimate the greenhouse gases reduction potential and cost of reduction under the greenhouse gases mitigation scenarios for covered sectors;identify constraints and requirements for implementing selected measures and technologies;identify specific financial, technical and institutional requirements for capacity-building on greenhouse gases mitigation and renewable energy technologies and on the development of sustainable greenhouse gases mitigation measures;develop sectoral reports and a chapter on greenhouse gases mitigation assessment.

Article 10 – Programs containing measures that facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change

In order to identify national programs which contain measures that facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change, the assessment is conducted on the following:the vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change;the climate change adaptation measures taken to meet national specific needs and concerns arising from the adverse effects referred to in item 1o of this Article;cost benefit analysis for proposed adaptation climate change measures;any other relevant information related to adequate adaptation to climate change.

Article 11 – Programs containing measures to mitigate climate change

Programs containing measures to mitigate climate change include the following:relevant information on key categories on methodologies applied, scenarios, results, measures and institutional arrangements;a cost benefit analysis for proposed climate change mitigation actions;a detailed implementation plan of programs containing measures to mitigate climate change;any other relevant information related to mitigation of climate change.

Article 12 – Other necessary actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation

Other necessary actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation include:transfer of technologies;research and systematic observation;education, training and public awareness;capacity-building;information and networking.

Article 13 – Development of climate change trends and future projections and impacts scenarios

A person who develops climate change trends and future projections and impacts scenarios must:analyse the current level of Rwanda climate change, current trends and future projections;analyse the Country’s observed impacts and foreseen future impacts scenarios on specific sectors;draft the update of climate profile for the Country

Article 14 – Development of climate change mitigation assessment chapter

A person who develops climate change mitigation assessment chapter must:collect all relevant macro-economic data and set key assumptions;process the collected data and make them suitable for the tools and software being utilised.

Article 15 – Scenario development

A person who develops a scenario during development of climate change mitigation assessment chapter must:develop a baseline greenhouse gases emission scenario;develop greenhouse gases mitigation measures according to available technologies;evaluate and validate criteria for assessment of measures and respective value;undertake an assessment of measures and select priorities;develop and update the greenhouse gases mitigation scenario for covered sectors.

Article 16 – Preparation of the chapter on other relevant information

A person who prepares a chapter on other relevant information as required by the Convention must:analyse the processes for mainstreaming climate change into national development plans including social, economic and environmental policies and actions;assess the required climate change research and adequate systematic observation;develop and update a comprehensive public education, awareness and training program and the related implementing strategy;assess, update and provide recommendations for the preparation of the national report on climate change on a regular basis;assess, update and recommend for the system for information sharing and networking;summarise all the information collected in order to draft the chapter.

Article 17 – Data collection for development of the chapter on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

A person who collects data for development of the chapter on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change must:identify the type and scope of data and information needed;review the policy process and development context for the selected area;collect and synthesize the necessary data.

Article 18 – Undertaking vulnerability assessment and climate change adaptation options for priority sectors

A person who undertakes the vulnerability assessment and climate change adaptation options for priority sectors must:develop respective indicators for baseline scenarios;assess current climate change vulnerability of sectors;identify possible climate change adaptation measures;carry out cost benefit analysis of proposed climate change adaptation measures;select most suitable climate change adaptation measures;identify barriers and policy needs for implementation of such measures.

Article 19 – Chapter on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

A person who develops the chapter on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change must:analyse policy options for adequate climate change adaptation and response strategies for climate change impacts on key socio-economic sectors;assess the future climate risk, adaptation measures and an adequate policy formulation of climate change adaptation for priority sectors;identify the country’s needs and priorities with respect to adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change;include sectoral reports on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

Article 20 – Constraints, gaps and related financial, technical and capacity needs

Constraints, gaps related financial, technical and capacity needs include the following:a description of constraints, gaps and related financial, technical and capacity needs;proposed or implemented activities to address the constraints and to fill the gaps referred to in point 1o of this Article.

Article 21 – Preparation of the chapter on constraints, gaps and related financial, technological and capacity needs chapter

A person who prepares the chapter on constraints, gaps and related financial, technological and capacity needs must:review the status of the constraints and gaps from previous studies;identify new constraints and gaps for each thematic area;analyse the potential development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies;summarise constraints, gaps and needs identified and draft a synthesis report as a separate chapter.

Chapter III
Responsibilities of organs involved in preparation of national report on climate change

Article 22 – Responsibilities of the Authority

The responsibilities of the Authority during the preparation of the national report on climate change are the following:to provide guidelines on data generation;to collect data;to process and analyse data and to prepare a report thereof;to provide quality assurance and control guidelines to the organs that provide data.

Article 23 – Organs responsible for providing data

Organs in charge of the following provide relevant data as requested by the Authority for the preparation of the national report on climate change:energy;data on disaster occurrences;transport;industrial process and industrial products use;livestock;agriculture;land use;forestry;waste;10°statistics;11°meteorology;12°infrastructure;13°water resources;14°biodiversity;15°health;16°private sectors;17°non-governmental organisations, where applicable.

Article 24 – Frequency of development of national report on climate change

The national report on climate change is developed on the frequency determined by the Convention.

Article 25 – Publication of national report

The Authority publishes the national report on climate change both as hard copy and online.

Chapter IV
Final provisions

Article 26 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are repealed.

Article 27 – Commencement

This Order comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

12 April 2021 this version
08 April 2021
Assented to