Ministerial Order establishing Regulations on the Implementation of the Early Childhood Development Programme

Ministerial Order 1 of 2020


Ministerial Order establishing Regulations on the Implementation of the Early Childhood Development Programme

Ministerial Order 1 of 2020

The Minister of Gender and Family Promotion;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 121, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law n° 71/2018 of 31/08/2018 relating to the protection of the child, especially in Article 4;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its meeting of 18/05/2020;ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order establishes regulations on the implementation of the National Programme of the Early Childhood Development, abbreviated as “ECD”.

Article 2 – Scope of this Order

This Order applies to the following:the model ECD center;the ECD center;the community-based ECD center;the home-based ECD services; andthe home visitation ECD services.

Article 3 – Definitions

In this Order, the following terms have the following meanings:caregiver: any person in charge of attending to the body, health, nutrition, emotional, social, language and intellectual development needs of a child;community based ECD center: structures belonging to other owners turned into learning areas for young children from three (3) to six (6) years old;ECD: intellectual and social-emotional development changes that a child undergoes from conception to six (6) years old;ECD center: a center where children are sent to undergo intellectual and social-emotional development;family: a group of persons related by kinship, law or marriage; it may include parents, children, their descendants and in-laws;home based ECD services: a place designated by a group of ten (10) to fifteen (15) neighboring households to serve as a center for children’s aged between three (3) to six (6) years old, for provision of ECD services;home visitation ECD services: a way of visiting families due to various reasons including young age of the child below three (3) years old, difficulty to set up a home based ECD service or an ECD center in that area;ECD services: services integrating the following activities:a.early learning and stimulation;b.child health services;c.child growth monitoring;d.child’s registration control in the civil status;e.providing meals and other nutritional services to the child;f.parent education programme;g.sensitisation on hygiene and sanitation;h.child protection services;i.referral for children with special needs;model ECD center: place with facility that meets all required standards, qualified caregivers, sufficient toys and learning materials, designed to provide ECD services to children from conception to six (6) years old.

Chapter II
ECD services delivery

Section One – Requirements to provide ECD services

Article 4 – General requirements to ECD service providers

An ECD service provider must comply with;minimum standards, norms and guidelines;the principle of the inclusion of children with special needs.

Article 5 – Registration of ECD activities

An ECD service provider must register his or her activities to the competent authority before starting to operate by filling an accreditation form provided by the authority in charge of ECD.The District authority is competent to register and accredit a model ECD center and an ECD center. The Sector authority is competent to register and accredit community-based ECD centers and home visitation ECD services. The Cell authority is competent to register and accredit home-based ECD services.

Article 6 – Parents committee

An ECD service provider must establish a parent’s committee to take measures for proper functioning of ECD programme.

Article 7 – Child’s personal file

An ECD service provider must keep a file for every child who is under ECD programme that contains the following information:names, age and gender of the child;names, address and telephone numbers of parents, guardian or other person with the duty to care for a child;the child’s health status.

Article 8 – Requirements for accreditation to provide model ECD center, ECD center and community based ECD center services

To be accredited to provide model ECD, ECD center and community based ECD center services, the service provider must fulfil the following requirements:to present a project document detailing the entire execution of the project, including its sustainability, as approved by the competent authority;to comply with requirements, including the minimum standards, norms and guidelines for ECD services.Once the project document approved by the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of this Order, the service provider is registered.

Article 9 – Particular requirements for accreditation to provide model ECD center and ECD center services

Subject to the provisions of Article 8 of this Order, to be accredited to provide model ECD center or ECD center services, the center must fulfil the following criteria:to be constructed in conformity with the minimum standards;to have employed certified trained caregivers;to provide training to community based ECD and home based ECD services;to have based learning and playing materials;to provide ECD services.

Article 10 – Particular requirements for accreditation to provide community based ECD center services

Subject to the provisions of Article 8 of this Order, to be accredited to provide community based ECD center services, the center must fulfil the following criteria:to be established in a building lent by the church or mosque, a State property or a building constructed by the local population;to meet minimum requirements to host children;to have a caregiver trained on ECD services.

Article 11 – Requirements for accreditation to provide home-based ECD services

To be accredited to provide home-based ECD services, a selected home to host ECD services provision must fulfil the following criteria:to be a safe home with fence;to have appropriate ground to allow children to play;to have clean water;to have clean toilet;to have a clean kitchen;to have a kitchen garden;to be managed by a person of integrity.

Article 12 – Report of all accredited ECD services in the District

Subject to the provisions of Article 5 of this Order:the Cell authority submits to the Sector a report of all home based ECD services accredited;the Sector authority compiles report from all Cells of the Sector with a report of all community-based ECD centers and home visitation services accredited, and submits a report to the District;every quarter, the District authority submits to the national authority in charge of ECD, a report of all accredited ECD in the District.

Article 13 – Service delivery in home based ECD

In home-based ECD, parents, guardians or other persons with the duty to care for a child provide themselves care to children. However, parents, guardians or other persons with the duty to care for a child may decide to hire caregivers and services are provided as follows:a home based ECD is led by a “parent leader” selected among parents from households that form a home-based group;each home-based group puts in place its regulations determining the functioning and management of ECD programme according to ECD minimum standards;there must be two (2) parents or caregivers per day; one carries out care activities, the other ensures the security and hygiene of children. This number may increase according to the number of children to take care of;working hours are from seven o’clock (7:00 am) to twelve o’clock (12:00 am). The parents committee may extend or reduce them;parents, guardians or other persons with the duty to take care of a child or caregivers use competence based curriculum approved by the competent organs and parenting curriculum and parenting guides developed by the authority in charge of ECD and other national ECD programmes.

Article 14 – Requirements to be accredited to provide home visitation ECD services

Any person, to be accredited to provide home visitation ECD services, must present a detailed project containing the real challenges for children that need to be addressed in the community, target population, approach and materials to be used.

Article 15 – Curriculum

All ECD centers with children aged between three (3) and six (6) years old must use the competence-based curriculum developed by the Ministry in charge of education and parenting curriculum and parenting guides developed by the authority in charge of ECD.For children under three (3) years old, the package refers to parenting curriculum and parenting guides developed by the authority in charge of ECD Programme.The timetable provided in the competence based curriculum serves as the basis for developing daily playing and learning activities in the centers, homes and home visits to have the common programme in the country.

Section 2 – Training for caregivers

Article 16 – Training modules

A stakeholder intending to train caregivers must refer to ECD competence based curriculum for children aged between three (3) and six (6) years and parenting curriculum and parenting guides for children less than three (3) years old.

Article 17 – Learning and playing materials

All ECD learning and playing materials must be adapted to the age of children.

Chapter III
Monitoring, reporting and closing of the services

Section One – Monitoring

Article 18 – Monitoring at national level

The head of National ECD Programme coordinates and monitors the implementation of ECD services at national level and submits quarterly and annual reports to the Minister in charge of child protection.

Article 19 – Monitoring at District level

The District coordinates and monitors the implementation of ECD services on quarterly basis.The District is responsible for planning, monitoring, evaluating and reporting on ECD services.

Article 20 – Monitoring at Sector and Cell levels

The monitoring at Sector and Cell levels is carried out as follows:Sector’s authorities oversee the model ECD centers, ECD centers, community based ECD centers and home visitation ECD services operating in the Cells;Cell authorities monitor and report to the Sector on monthly basis on all activities happening in home based ECD;Sector’s and Cell’s authorities carry out mobilisation and sensitisation of local population on ECD services to contribute to ECD service provision.

Section 2 – ECD report

Article 21 – Production and submission of ECD report

The management of a home based ECD services produces a monthly report and submits it to the Cell authority of their area of operation.The management of a model ECD center, an ECD center, a community based ECD center and home visitation ECD services produces a quarterly report and submits it to the Sector authority of their area of operation.

Article 22 – Collecting and compiling ECD reports

The Cell authority collects reports from home based ECD services, compiles them into a single report, and submits it to the Sector authority on a monthly basis.The Sector authority, based on reports from model ECD centers, ECD centers, community ECD centers and home visitation ECD services, and home based ECD services submitted by the Cell authority, draws up a quarterly report on the ECD services and transmits it to the District authority.The District authority produces a compiled report on ECD services on a quarterly basis and transmits it to the national authority in charge of ECD.

Article 23 – Content of the ECD report

The ECD report must include the following information:the children attendance list;the number of children ready for primary school based on their age;parent education session provided;hygiene, health and nutrition status of children;incidents that children faced and action taken;parents, guardians or others persons with the duty to care for a child and community participation in ECD service provision;inclusion for children with special needs;encountered challenges.

Section 3 – Closing the ECD services provision

Article 24 – Service provider of ECD closing for his or her own reasons

An ECD service provider intending to close his or her ECD services must follow the following steps:to request in writing to the District authorities the permission for closing ECD services within ninety (90) days before closing the service provision;to state clearly the reason why he or she intends to close the service provision;the District communicates its decision to the ECD service provider within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the request and informs the authority in charge of ECD and the Ministry in charge of child protection.

Article 25 – Closing ECD services provision by relevant authorities

The authority that accredited ECD service in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of this Order, closes the provision of the service in case of:non-compliance with ECD standards, principles and regulations;occurrence of pandemic or contagious disease that can affect children;any kind of discrimination towards children or staff members;potential hazards that may occur and affect children;any other ground considered relevant by the District.

Chapter IV
Transitional and final provisions

Article 26 – Period for compliance with provisions of this Order

All existing ECD centers have twelve (12) months from the publication of this Order in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda to upgrade them to the standardised ECD centers and to register before the authority of their area of operation.

Article 27 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are repealed.

Article 28 – Commencement

This Order comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

04 June 2020 this version
03 June 2020
Assented to