Ministerial Order determining Methods for Cremation of a Dead Body and Burial of Ashes

Ministerial Order 1 of 2015


Ministerial Order determining Methods for Cremation of a Dead Body and Burial of Ashes

Ministerial Order 1 of 2015

The Minister of Sports and Culture;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law n° 11/2013 of the 11/03/2013 determining the organization and use of cementeries, especially in Articles 17 and 32;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in its session of 13/02/2015;HEREBY ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines methods for cremation of a dead body and burial of its ashes.

Chapter II
Cremation of a dead body and burial of ashes

Section One – Prior conditions to the cremation of a dead body

Article 2 – Application for cremation

The application for cremation shall be done by the person him/herself during his/her lifetime or by a person he/she authorised prior to the death. The application shall be done in writing or orally in presence of two (2) witnesses of majority age.The Mayor of a District where a dead body is located may approve the cremation of a dead body in case nobody is claiming it.

Article 3 – Categories of dead bodies which may be cremated

The dead bodies which may be cremated shall be classified under the following categories:a dead body of a human being just after his/her death;a dead body exhumed;a dead body relocated;a dead body discovered;a dead body which is not claimed by anyone after the announcement by the relevant authorities.

Article 4 – Rites and practices which shall be conducted before the cremation of a dead body

Before the cremation of a dead body, the following formalities shall be done:showing a document and witnesses approving the cremation;checking if the required documents are approved;checking if a death certificate issued by a medical doctor is available;registering the dead person in the register of death at the office of civil status registrar;removing prosthesis and other appliances from a dead body before cremation.

Article 5 – Authorization of a place where a dead body shall be cremated

Authorization of a place at which a dead body shall be cremated shall be issued by the authorities in charge of cemetries and environment.

Section 2 – Cremation of a dead body

Article 6 – Tools used in the cremation of a dead body

The cremation of a dead body shall be done by means of a crematory oven. Such oven shall have power on a regular basis and there shall be a provisional generator which shall replace power in case there is a power cut.

Article 7 – Prohibitions during the cremation of a dead body

The cremation of more than one (1) dead body in one (1) oven shall be prohibited except when it is not possible to separate dead bodies. The cremation of a dressed dead body shall also be prohibited.

Section 3 – Activities conducted after the cremation of a dead body

Article 8 – Size and type of the container in which ashes shall be kept

The container in which ashes are kept must be made in one of the following:clay;metal;glass;wood.The container into which the ashes from a dead body are kept shall not exceed ten centimetres (10 cm) of length, six centimetres (6 cm) of width and eight centimetres (8 cm) of volume.The container of the ashes shall be kept in a reserved room or in any other determined area.

Article 9 – People with right to the ashes from a dead body

The ashes from a dead body shall be considered as the property of the family of the dead person or the Government.Family members can agree on keeping ashes in one (1) container or sharing the ashes as they wish.

Article 10 – Identification to be recorded on the container of ashes

A container of ashes shall have the following writings or drawings:names of the deceased;his /she date of birth;date of death.The container of the ashes may have additional writing or drawings that may be determined by persons referred to in Article 2 of this Order.

Article 11 – Place at which ashes shall be buried

The ashes in a container shall be buried in a public cemetery, a private cemetery, at home or any place which shall be determined by family members of the deceased or the Government in case the deceased does not have family.

Chapter III
Final provisions

Article 12 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 13 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

20 July 2015 this version
16 July 2015
Assented to