Prime Minister's Order on the establishment of the National Man and Biosphere Committee

Prime Ministers Order 143 of 2010


Prime Minister's Order on the establishment of the National Man and Biosphere Committee

Prime Ministers Order 143 of 2010

The Prime Minister;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date, especially in Articles 119, 120, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Organic Law n° 04/2005 of 08/04/2005 determining the modalities of protection, conservation and promotion of environment in Rwanda;Pursuant to Law n° 16/2006 of 03/04/2006 determining the organisation, functioning and responsibilities of Rwanda Environment Management Authority;Pursuant to Presidential Order n° 12 ter/01 of 27/03/2003 on the restructuring and reorganisation of the Rwandan National Commission for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, especially in Annex 2, 2.B;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 23/06/2010;HEREBY ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Establishment of Committee

A National Man and Biosphere Committee referred to as a “Committee” in this Order is hereby established.

Article 2 – Main objective

The Committee’s main objective shall be to promote and develop the activities of the International Man and Biosphere Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation in Rwanda.

Article 3 – Supervision and collaboration

The Committee shall be under the administrative supervision of the Ministry in charge of environment which shall supervise its activities and functioning through Rwanda Environment Management Authority.The Committee shall work in close collaboration with the Rwandan National Commission for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Chapter II
Prerogatives and responsibilities

Article 4 – Prerogatives of the Committee

Without prejudice to Article 13 of this Order, the Committee shall have powers for scientific initiatives and direct cooperation with International Coordinating Council as well as other national and other sub-regional Man and Biosphere Committees, which may facilitate it in taking the necessary measures for realisation of its mission.

Article 5 – Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the Committee shall be as follows:to propose to the International Man and Biosphere Programme Coordination Council the biosphere reserves submitted by the Government of Rwanda;to provide the Government of Rwanda with technical expertise necessary to determine the biosphere reserve areas;to advise and propose recommendations to the Government of Rwanda in particular to relevant concerned public services on matters relating to:a)the mechanisms for sustainable management and sustainable utilisation of resources and human activities in the buffer zones of Man and Biosphere sites;b)the policy or plan for the management of the entire surface considered as biosphere reserve as well as mechanisms for the implementation of the policy;c)the programmes for research, regular monitoring, education and training with regard to biosphere reserves;to make advocacy with local communities, authorities and the private sector with a view to the design and implementation of the biosphere reserve functions;to promote environmental education, training and enhancement of human resources, in partnership with other biosphere reserves within the World Network of Biosphere Reserves;to recommend to the Government of Rwanda measures necessary for the application of the statutory framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves;to participate in cooperation activities of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves;to encourage the development of information sharing within the World Network of Biosphere Reserves;to act as a focal point and an intermediary between Man and Biosphere International Coordinating Council and national institutions in the implementation of the Man and Biosphere Programme activities;10°to submit Annual Action Plan and progress report to the parent organ with a copy to other key partners.

Chapter III

Article 6 – Composition of the Committee

The Committee shall be composed of the following members:the Director of Rwanda Environment Management Authority;the Director of a National Institution in charge of protected areas;the Director of National Forestry Authority;the Director of National Land Centre;the Director of Sciences and Technology Unit within Rwandan National Commission for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation;a representative of higher institutions of learning;a representative of conservation and environment colleges;a representative of research institutions;a representative of civil society;10°a representative of Private Sector Federation.Except those who are members of the Committee due to their positions, other members shall be appointed by the Order of the Minister in charge of environment for a three (3) year term of office renewable only once.

Article 7 – Bureau

There is hereby established a Committee’s Bureau composed of:the Director of Rwanda Environment Management Authority: Chairperson;the Director of national institution responsible for protected areas: Vice-Chairperson;the representative of Rwandan National Commission for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation: Secretary.

Article 8 – Technical Sub-Committees

In order to implement its plan of action, the Committee shall form Technical Sub-Committees. The Sub-Committees may take on external experts, specialised in a field under examination.

Chapter III

Article 9 – Functioning of the Bureau

The Chairperson shall convene and chair the meetings of the Committee and those of the Bureau. The Vice-Chairperson shall replace the Chairperson and assist him/her in his/her duties in case of absence.The Secretary shall prepare working documents and minutes of the meetings of the Committee and of its Bureau.The Bureau shall meet once a term and shall be in charge of supervising the implementation of Man and Biosphere programme in Rwanda and preparing meetings of the Committee.The Bureau shall take urgent decisions for effective fulfilment of its responsibilities after the meeting and before the other meeting convenes. Such decisions shall be submitted to the Committee meeting for approval.

Article 10 – Committee meetings

The Committee shall meet twice a year in its ordinary session, convened by its Chairperson or in its extraordinary meeting upon request by the Bureau or by two thirds (2/3) of its members.The quorum required for the meeting to be held shall be two thirds (2/3). However, if the meeting is convened for the second time, it shall be held regardless of the number of members present.The Bureau shall determine the agenda, the date and venue of each meeting and specify this in a letter of invitation to be sent to participants at least two (2) weeks before the date of the meeting.

Article 11 – Budget and plan of action

For each financial year, the Committee shall submit to the Ministry in charge of environment its plan of action as well as the necessary budget. It shall also submit to the Ministry the activity report for the previous year as well as important projects of significant decisions taken which should be submitted to national and international organs of Man and Biosphere program. It shall, also reserve a copy to Rwandan National Commission for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation and other institutions represented in the Committee.The Ministry shall provide the Committee with financial and material resources necessary in order to fulfill its commitments.

Article 12 – Sitting allowances

In case of statutory meetings, the Committee members shall entitled to sitting allowances in accordance with the relevant national legislation in force.

Article 13 – Internal Rules of procedure

The Committee shall adopt its Internal Rules of procedure.

Article 14 – Coordination of activities

The Man and Biosphere Programme daily activities shall be executed by staff appointed by Rwanda Environment Management Authority through normal public service recruitment procedures.

Chapter III
Final provisions

Article 15 – Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Order

The Minister of Environment and Lands and the Minister of Education are entrusted with the implementation of this Order.

Article 16 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 17 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

20 December 2010 this version
13 December 2010
Assented to