Prime Minister's Order determining the Composition, Organisation and Functioning of the National Health Insurance Council in Rwanda

Prime Ministers Order 136 of 2016


Prime Minister's Order determining the Composition, Organisation and Functioning of the National Health Insurance Council in Rwanda

Prime Ministers Order 136 of 2016

The Prime Minister;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 119, 120, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law n° 48/2015 of 23/11/2015 governing the organisation, functioning and management of health insurance schemes in Rwanda, especially in Article 26;On proposal by the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 25/05/2016;HEREBY ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines the composition, organisation and functioning of the National Health Insurance Council in Rwanda, hereinafter referred to as “Council”.

Article 2 – Members of the Council

The Council is composed of the following nine (9) members:The Chief Executive Officer of the Private Sector Federation, Chairperson;The President of the association of health insurers; First Vice Chairperson;The President of the association of private doctors of Rwanda, Second Vice Chairperson;The Head of Services Development in Rwanda Development Board, Rapporteur;The Director General of the public entity in charge of social security;One (1) member appointed by the association of health insurers;One (1) member appointed by the Rwanda Health Care Federation;The Chairperson of the consumers’ association;The Chairperson of liberal professions Chambers.

Article 3 – Technical Committees of the Council

The Council establishes such technical Committees as necessary for the accomplishment of its mission and determines their members.The technical committees of the Council are responsible for examining specific matters relating to health insurance.

Article 4 – Meetings of the Council

Meetings of the Council are held once a quarter and whenever necessary.Meetings of the Council are convened and chaired by the Chairperson of the Council. In case of absence of the Chairperson of the Council, the meetings are convened and chaired by the First Vice Chairperson or the Second Vice Chairperson, in case of absence of the First Chairperson.

Article 5 – Quorum for the meetings of the Council

The quorum required for the meeting of the meetings of the Council is at least two thirds (2/3) of its members. When such a number is not reached, the meeting is deferred to another date agreed upon by the members present. If the meeting is convened for the second time due to lack of quorum, it is held and deliberates regardless of the number of the members who attended.

Article 6 – Invitation of members of the Council to its meetings

Members of the Council are invited to its meeting at least seven (7) days before the date of the meeting through an invitation letter that contains the items on the agenda accompanied with working documents.The members of the Council may propose modifications to the agenda prior to the meeting.

Article 7 – Invitation of a resource person to the meetings of the Council

The Council, where necessary, may invite in its meetings any resource person from whom it may seek advice on an item on the agenda. The invitee does not have right to vote and contributes only to the discussion on items for which advice is sought.

Article 8 – Decisions of the Council

Decisions of the Council are taken by consensus. However, in case of divergent opinions, decisions are taken by majority vote of three quarters (3/4) of members present at the meeting.

Article 9 – Approval of the resolutions of the meeting of the Council

A document containing resolutions of the meeting of the Council is signed by the members who attended the meeting immediately after the closing of the meeting. A copy of that document is submitted to the Minister in charge of health insurance in a period not exceeding five (5) days in order to give his/her opinion in a period not exceeding seven (7) days from its reception. If this period expires without the Minister’s opinion, the resolutions of the meeting are presumed definitively approved.The Council decides on the opinion issued by the Minister in charge of health insurance within seven (7) days from its reception.

Article 10 – Minutes of meetings of the Council

The minutes of meetings of the Council are signed by its Chairperson and the rapporteur. It is approved in the following session. The copy of the minutes is submitted to the Minister in charge of health insurance in a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days from the date of its approval.

Article 11 – Internal Rules and Regulations of the Council

The Council establishes its Internal Rules and Regulations.Internal Rules and Regulations of the Council determine the rules and principles governing the internal organisation of the Council, composition of its technical committees, powers and functioning of the technical Committees.

Article 12 – Facilitation to the Council in its functioning

The Council's activities are financed by contributions from organs that comprise it.Internal Rules and Regulations of the Council determine the rate and management of the contributions to the functioning of the Council.

Article 13 – Authority responsible for the implementation of this Order

The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning is entrusted with the implementation of this Order.

Article 14 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are repealed.

Article 15 – Commencement

This Order comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

07 June 2016 this version
03 June 2016
Assented to