Prime Minister's Order relating to the National Aeronautical Search and Rescue Coordination Committee

Prime Ministers Order 115 of 2020


Prime Minister's Order relating to the National Aeronautical Search and Rescue Coordination Committee

Prime Ministers Order 115 of 2020

The Prime Minister;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 120, 122 et 176;Pursuant to Law n° 20/2018 of 29/04/2018 establishing regulations governing civil aviation, especially in Article 83;Having reviewed Prime Minister’s Order n° 92/03 of 20/07/2017 determining the responsibilities of the National Search and Rescue Coordination Committee, its members and functioning;On proposal by the Minister of Infrastructure;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its meeting of 16/06/2020;ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines responsibilities, organisation and functioning of the National Aeronautical Search and Rescue Coordination Committee, herein referred to as “Committee”.

Article 2 – Members of the Committee

The Committee is comprised of the following persons:Minister in charge of air transport, who is the Chairperson of the Committee;Minister in charge of health, who is the Vice-Chairperson of the Committee;Minister in charge of Rwanda Defense Force;Minister in charge of emergency management;Head of Rwanda National Police;Head of National Authority in charge of Civil Aviation;Head of the entity in charge of provision of air traffic services, who is the rapporteur of the Committee;Head of National Authority in charge of Immigration and Emigration.

Article 3 – Responsibilities of the Committee

Responsibilities of the Committee are the following:to be a standing national forum that can develop and recommend national strategic search and rescue policy to the Government;to provide a standing national forum for coordination of administrative and operational search and rescue matters;to collaborate with other organs in the region and international organs in charge of emergency services;to oversee the search and rescue plan of operations and to approve a national search and rescue manual;to promote effective use of facilities for search and rescue;to serve as a cooperative forum to exchange information relating to search and rescue;to promote close cooperation and coordinate civilian and military authorities for the provision of effective search and rescue services;to determine other ways to enhance the overall effectiveness of search and rescue services within Rwanda and to standardise search and rescue procedures and equipment, where applicable;to develop, coordinate, administer, review and evaluate plans, policies, procedures, standards and training needs for search and rescue cooperation and coordination;10°to direct and coordinate air rescue services in Rwanda;11°to establish partnership with other Government organs and enter into agreements with Government, private agencies or persons for provision of rescue services.

Article 4 – Meetings of the Committee

The meeting of the Committee is held at least once (1) per year and whenever necessary upon invitation by its Chairperson, or in his or her absence, by the Vice-Chairperson, at own initiative, or upon a written request by at least four (4) of Committee members.A written invitation is submitted to members of the Committee at least fifteen (15) days before the meeting is held.However, irrespective of the time specified in Paragraph 2 of this Article, an extraordinary meeting may be convened whenever necessary by the Chairperson or, in case of his or her absence, by the Vice-Chairperson.The quorum for the meeting of the Committee is two-thirds (2/3) of its members.The Committee determines the procedure for holding its meetings.

Article 5 – Decision making

Decisions of the Committee are taken by consensus.In case of failure to obtain the consensus, the decisions are taken on the absolute majority of members present at the meeting of present members.In case of tie, the chairperson of the meeting has a casting vote.

Article 6 – Minutes of the Committee meeting

Minutes of the Committee meeting are jointly signed by the Chairperson and the rapporteur and approved at the next meeting.

Article 7 – Supporting organ of the Committee

In its functioning, the Committee is supported by the Rescue Coordination Centre.

Article 8 – Preparatory information

The Committee is provided by Rescue Coordination Centre with updated information concerning the following in respect to search and rescue region:air traffic services units;means of communication that may be used in search and rescue operations;addresses and telephone numbers of relevant persons or their designated representatives, engaged in search and rescue operations;any other public or private resources including medical or transportation facilities that are likely to be useful in search and rescue.

Article 9 – Content of search and rescue operations plan

The search and rescue operations plan contains details regarding actions to be taken by a person engaged in search and rescue operations, including:manner in which search, and rescue operations are to be conducted in the concerned region;use of available means of communication and facilities;actions to be jointly taken by other national Aeronautical Search and Rescue Coordination Committees;methods for alerting en-route aircraft;methods for obtaining essential information relevant to search and rescue operations;methods for assisting a distressed aircraft;cooperative actions to be taken in conjunction with air traffic services units and other concerned authorities to assist aircraft known or believed to be subject to unlawful interference.

Article 10 – Training and exercises in search and rescue matters

In order to achieve and maintain maximum efficiency of search and rescue operations, search and rescue personnel must be provided with regular training and appropriate exercises in search and rescue matters.

Article 11 – Aircraft wreckage

Wreckage resulting from an aircraft accident within Rwanda must be removed, obliterated or charted from completion of the accident investigation, if its presence might constitute a hazard or confuse subsequent search and rescue operations.

Article 12 – Dissemination of information

All information necessary for the entry into Rwanda of search and rescue units of other States must be published and disseminated to the neighboring countries.To the extent possible, the general public and emergency response authorities must be provided with information regarding actions to be taken when there is reason to believe that an aircraft’s emergency situation may become a threat to the public or requires a general emergency response.

Article 13 – Authority responsible for the implementation of this Order

The Minister of Infrastructure is entrusted with the implementation of this Order.

Article 14 – Repealing provision

Prime Minister’s Order n° 92/03 of 20/07/2017 determining the responsibilities of the National Search and Rescue Coordination Committee, its members and functioning and all prior provisions contrary to this Order are repealed.

Article 15 – Commencement

This Order comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

04 November 2020 this version
02 November 2020
Assented to