Prime Minister's Order determining the Responsibilities of the Airport Security Committee, its Members and Functioning

Prime Ministers Order 2 of 2021


Prime Minister's Order determining the Responsibilities of the Airport Security Committee, its Members and Functioning

Prime Ministers Order 2 of 2021

The Prime Minister;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 119, 120, 121, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law n° 028/2019 of 19/09/2019 relating to civil aviation security, especially in Article 10;On proposal by the Minister of Infrastructure;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its meeting of 27/10/2020;ORDERS:

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines responsibilities of the Airport Security Committee, herein referred to as “Committee”. It also determines its members and functioning.

Article 2 – Responsibilities of the Committee

The responsibilities of the Committee are the following:to coordinate security related activities at airport, to conduct regular security control and to ensure implementation of procedures related to passengers’ facilitation including airport facilitation procedures as specified in the Airport Operator’s Security Program and the Airport Facilitation Programme;to oversee the implementation of the decisions or directives of the National Civil Aviation Security Committee;to ensure that security measures and procedures for security protection in place are adequate to meet threats and that they remain under constant review, providing for normal situations and contingencies for periods of heightened security and emergency situations;to ensure that recommendations provided for improvement in security measures and procedures are implemented;to draw up, update and review, where necessary, the list of high-risk points, and that of essential equipment and facilities.

Article 3 – Reporting unresolved matter to the National Civil Aviation Security Committee

The Committee reports to the National Civil Aviation Security Committee the matter relating to aviation security not resolved on its level.

Article 4 – Members of the Committee

The Committee is composed of the following persons:in charge of airport administration, who is also the Chairperson of the committee;the coordinator of airport security, who is also the Vice-Chairperson of the Committee;a representative of Rwanda National Police;a representative of National Intelligence and Security Service;a representative of general civil aviation operators;a representative of in-flight catering operators;a representative of the airlines;a representative of customs services;a representative of Air Force.The Vice-Chairperson assists the Chairperson and replaces him or her in case of absence.A representative of National Intelligence and Security Service is the rapporteur of the Committee meetings.

Article 5 – Convening and holding a meeting of the Committee

The meeting of the Committee is held at least once in three (3) months and whenever necessary.The meeting of the Committee is convened by its Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, in case of absence of the Chairperson, on his or her own initiative or upon a written request by at least three (3) of its members.A written invitation is submitted to members of the Committee at least fifteen (15) working days before the meeting is held.However, an extraordinary meeting may be convened when considered necessary irrespective of the time specified in Paragraph 3 of this Article.

Article 6 – Quorum for the meeting of the Committee to be held

The quorum for the meeting of the Committee to be held is at least two-thirds (2/3) of its members. In case the quorum is not reached, the meeting is postponed within fifteen working (15) days. However, when the meeting is convened for the second time, it is held and takes decisions regardless of the number of members who are present.The Committee regulates the procedure for holding its meetings.

Article 7 – Invitation of a resource person to the meeting of the Committee

The Chairperson of the Committee may invite a resource person in its meeting.The invited person is not allowed either to vote or to follow debates on other items on the agenda.

Article 8 – Decision making

Decisions of the Committee are taken by consensus. In case of failure to obtain the consensus, the matter is submitted to the National Civil Aviation Security Committee.

Article 9 – Minutes of the Committee meeting

Minutes of the Committee meeting are signed by the Chairperson and the Rapporteur immediately after the meeting and kept by the Rapporteur.

Article 10 – Authority responsible for the implementation of this Order

The Minister of Infrastructure is entrusted with the implementation of this Order.

Article 11 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are repealed.

Article 12 – Commencement

This Order comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

14 January 2021 this version