Presidential Order Restructuring and Reorganizing the Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO (RNCU)

Presidential Order 12 of 2003


Presidential Order Restructuring and Reorganizing the Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO (RNCU)

Presidential Order 12 of 2003

We, KAGAME Paul,President of the Republic
Given the fundamental Law of the Republic of Rwanda as amended to date, especially the Arusha Peace Agreement on Power-Sharing in its article 9, 10 and 16.6°;Given the Convention of 16 November 1945 establishing the United National Organisation for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), especially in its Article VII;Given the Charter on National Commissions for UNESCO as approved by the UNESCO General Conference in its twentieth Session in 1978;Revisited Presidential Order no 120/10 of 9 June 1975 establishing and organizing the Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO (R.N.R.U.);On proposal by the Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Research;After consideration and adoption by Cabinet meeting in its session of 26 March 2003;HAVE ORDERED AND DO HEREBY ORDER:

Chapter One
Duties of the Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO

Article One

Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO, “R.N.C.U” in short, has the mandate to promote ideas for peace and mutual understanding in the country, to encourage initiatives for intellectual and moral solidarity by making the public opinion interested in the UNESCO objectives, programme and work. For that purpose and under supervision by and through the Minister holding Education within his remit:a)the Commission gives its opinion and advice to Government on the UNESCO programme and activities;b)establishes effective contact with both the UNESCO and National Commissions and national cooperation organisations in other UNESCO Member States;c)Associates to UNESCO activities major national groups, important persons, diverse public or private institutions, both national and international, which compete for the promotion of science, culture, communication, information and computer technology;d)considers, from a national point of view, modalities to implement decisions taken in the UNESCO General Conference;e)fulfills an information function to let UNESCO know the country’s specific needs and the national public opinion know the UNESCO aims and activities;f)Contrivutes to the process of planning, implementing and evaluating the UNESCO progranne activities and mobilises, for that purpose, the country’s scientific and intellectual communities;g)prepares the UNESCO international conferences and meetings;h)fulfils any other duty entrusted to it by Government within the UNRSCO competence fields, namely education, science, culture, communication, information and computer technology.

Chapter II

Article 2

R.N.C.U is a service department supervised by the Ministry holding education in its remit.

Article 3

The organs of R.N.CU are:a)The General Assembly;b)The Executive Committee;c)The Permanent Sectretariat.

Section One – The General Assembly

Article 4

The Genral assembly is the organ in charge of streamlining the activities and the functioning of R.N.C.U.For that purpose:a)it plays a consultative role to the line Ministry, on the UNESCO programme and activities;b)it gives its opinion and advice and formulates recommendations on all matters submitted to it by the Executive Committee of R.N.C.U..

Article 5

The General Assembly is made up of:a)The Director General in the office of the Prime Minister holding Education, Youth and Culture within his remit;b)The permanent Secretary of R.N.C.U;c)The Director General in charge of science, technology and scientific research in the Ministry holding science, technology and scientific research within its remit;d)The Director of the education department in the permanent Secretariat of R.N.C.U;e)The Director of the science department in the permanent Secretariat of R.N.C.U;f)The Director of culture department in the permanent Secretariat of R.N.C.U;g)The Director of the communication and information department in the permanent Secretariat of R.N.C.U;h)The Managing Director of the Institute for Scientific and Technological Research( I.S.T.R);i)The Director holding culture within his remit in the Ministry holding culture within its remit;j)The Director of the Rwanda National Museum;k)The Dean of the faculty of Science and Technology at the Rwanda National University;l)The Dean of Education at Kigali Institute of Education (KIE);m)The Director holding youth within his remit in the Ministry holding youth within its remit;n)The Director holding environment within his remit in the Ministry holding environment within its remit;o)The Head of the Chemistry Department at the Rwanda National University;p)The Head of the Geography Department at the Rwanda National University;q)The Head of the Sociology Department at the Rwanda National University;r)The Director in charge of energy in the Ministry holding energy within its remit;s)The Director of the School of the Journalism at the Rwanda National University;t)The Rwanda Representative at the UNESCO Executive Council;u)The Representative of the Towns and Districts’ Association;v)Five persons to be appointed by Cabinet for their competence in the UNESCO fields as far as concerned are:a)Educationb)Science and technologyc)Social and human scienced)Culturee)Communication, information and computer technology.These five important persons shall be appointed for a period of five years renewable only once. Members of the Commission shall be appointed by Cabinet on proposal by the line Minister.

Article 6

The General Assembly shall meet on request by the Chairperson of R.N.C.U. It holds its ordinary session in February and September of every year. It may meet in an extraordinary session whenever necessary or on one third of its members’ written request. The quorum shall be constituted by the absolute majority of members. When this quorum is not reached, the General Assembly shall be convened again and legitimately hold whatever the number of members present.

Article 7

The following 5 specialised technical committees shall be set up within the R.N.C.U;One committee on Education;One committee on Youth;One committee on science and technology;One committee on Social and Human Science;One committee on Culture, Communication and Information;The General Assembly and its specialized technical committees may invite, as experts, any other person likely to contribute on matters submitted for consideration.

Article 8

The General Assembly shall be supervised by a Committee made up of:One ChairpersonOne Vice-Chairperson;One Rapporteur.The permanent Secretary of the R.N.C.U. performs the duties of a general rapporteur for meetings of the General Assembly.

Article 9

Members of the General Assembly shall elect one chairperson who becomes the Chairperson of the R.N.C.U. His mendate shall be five years, renewable once.

Article 10

The Vice-Chairperson shall be elected shall be elected by the General Assembly for a five-year mandate, renewable only once.

Article 11

The General Assembly of the R.N.C.U. shall work out and provisionally adopt its statutes and internal rules and regulations. The final adoption of these texts falls within the jurisdiction of the Minister holding education within his remit.

Section II – The Executive Committee

Article 12

The Executive Committee of the R.N.C.U. shall comprise of:a)The Chairperson of the General Assembly;b)The Vice-Chairperson of the General Assembly;c)The Permanent Secretary of R.N.C.U.;d)Chairperson of specialised committees.Decisions necessary for the life of the R.N.C.U. with its interval of its General Assembly’s sessions shall be taken by its Executive Committee.

Article 13

The Executive Commission shall meet in an ordinary, once every quarterly and in an extraordinary session whenever necessary and on request by the Chairperson of the R.N.C.U., or on proposal by one third of its members.

Section III – The Permanent Secretariat

Article 14

The Permanent Secretariat of the R.N.C.U. shall be managed by a Permanent Secretariat and comprise for departments, namely:One department for Education, Associated Schools, UNESCO Clubs and Youth;One Department for Science and TechnologyOne Department for Culture, Social and Human Sciences;One Department for Commission, Information and DocumentationDuties for each department are listed hereafter in Appendix 2 to this Order.

Article 15

The Permanent Secretary shall be appointed and relieved of his duties by a Prime Minister’s Order on proposal by the line Minister and approval by Cabinet.

Chapter III
Duties for the R.N.C.U Organs

Article 16

The General Assembly Chairperson shall convene and supervise ordinary and extraordinary meetings of both the General Assembly and the Executive Committee of R.N.C.U.He controls the management of the Permanent Secretariat’s activities which regulary reports to him.

Article 17

The Vice-Chairperson shall assist the General Assembly Chairperson in all his activities and replaces him in time of unforeseen circumstances.

Article 18

The Permanent Secretary shall be in charge of, among others:Coordinating all activities of the Permanent secretariat;Ensuring technical preparation for meetings of the Commission and specialised committees of R.N.C.U.;Making all technical arrangements both for the R.N.C.U’s commissions and specialised committes meetings;Ensuring technical preparation of UNESCO international conferences;Establishing relations with UNESCO and other member countries’ national commissions;Ensuring the R.N.C.U. properly management.

Chapter III
Financial resources and director’s fee

Article 19

The budget for the Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO shall be constituted by any funds’s allocation by the state in the form of ordinary budget and donations. Its commitment and control shall be governed by laws for the State’s budget.

Article 20

Members odf the General Assembly and specialised technical committees shall be entitled to a director’s fee when in session. The amount of this director’s fee shall be fixed by Cabinet.

Chapter IV
Final provisions

Article 21

Prior provisions contrary to this Order, especially those of Presidential Order no 120/10 of 9/06/1975 establishing the R.N.C.U. are hereby repealed.

Article 22

The Minister holding education within his remit is entrusted with implementing this Order.

Article 23

This Order shall come into force on the day of its signature. It shall take effect as of 26 March 2003.
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History of this document

27 March 2003 this version
26 March 2003