Presidential Order determining the Organisation and Functioning of the Administrative Organs of the Village

Presidential Order 105 of 2014


Presidential Order determining the Organisation and Functioning of the Administrative Organs of the Village

Presidential Order 105 of 2014

We, KAGAME Paul,President of the Republic;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June 2013 as amended to date, especially in Articles 112, 121 and 201;Pursuant to Law nº 87/2013 of 11/09/2013 determining the organization and functioning of decentralized administrative entities, especially in Article 219;Upon proposal by the Minister in charge of Local Government;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 28/03/2014;HAVE ORDERED AND HEREBY ORDER:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Oder determines the organisation and functioning of the administrative organs of the Village.

Article 2 – General duties of the Village

The Village shall be the basic unit for mobilisation and interaction of the population.The Village shall be an entity in which the population participate directly to their development.

Article 3 – Special responsibilities of the Village

The Village shall have the following special responsibilities:to gather basic data to be submitted to the organs in charge of conserving them;to ensure security and resolve conflicts;to provide the population with reliable information about national programmes; urge the population to implement them and gather information about such programmes and submit them to the Cell;to follow up and assess performance contracts for each family and prepare performance contracts for the Village;to work towards having educated population, characterised by good practices of collaboration and concord;to urge the population to be patriotic;to take decisions on other issues delegated to it by superior organs

Chapter II
Organisation of the Village's administrative organs

Article 4 – Village's administrative organs

The Village shall be led by two (2) following organs:the Council;the Executive Committee.

Section One – Council of the Village

Article 5 – Composition of the Council

The Council shall be made up of all the Village's residents, aged at least eighteen (18) years old.

Article 6 – Competence of the Council

The Village's Council shall be the Village's supreme organ. It deliberates on all issues relating to the Village's duties.The Village's Council shall elect the members of the Village's Executive Committee and relieve them of their duties in case they do not properly discharge their tasks, are accomplices in a given case, and where it is established that they are the source of conflicts in the Village. The Council may relieve of he/she duties any Executive Committee member who does not discharge their duties.

Article 7 – Validity of decisions of the Council

The decisions taken by the Village's Council shall not be in contradiction with laws, orders, general regulations or even decisions taken by superior organs.All the decisions made, in contradiction with the provisions of Paragraph One of this Article are not valid.

Section 2 – Village's Executive Committee

Article 8 – Composition of Executive Committee

The Village's Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following five (5) members:Village's Head;Member in charge of security and people entering and going out of the Village;Member in charge of social and civil affairs;Member in charge of information and population education;Member in charge of development.

Article 9 – Voluntary service for Executive Committee members

Executive Committee members at Village level shall work on voluntary basis for their self-development and the development of the population within the framework of good governance and better welfare.

Article 10 – Responsibilities of the Executive Committee

The Village's Executive Committee shall have the following responsibilities:to work towards sensitization based on civic education and reliable information;to encourage the population to continue to promote integrity;to ensure the security of the Village's residents;to collect crime information;to urge the population to participate in government programmes;to help the Cell to get basic data;to promote the culture of concord and good relations among the Village's residents;to sensitise the population about family planning programmes;to sensitise the population about the prevention of and fight against epidemics;10°to sensitise the population about the subscription to mutual health insurance schemes;11°to sensitise the population about their children's sustainable schooling;12°to sensitize families about harmony within families and encourage them to be in charge of the children's formal and informal education;13°to fight against violence and injustice within families;14°to sensitise the population about collective solidarity to solve the problems of poverty they are facing;15°to ensure the maintenance of infrastructure;16°to fight against laziness and vagrancy;17°to sensitise the population about hygiene;18°to protect environment;19°to sensitise the population about development projects and joining cooperatives.

Article 11 – Duties of Village's Head

The Village's Head shall have the following duties:to convene and chair Executive Committee and Council of Village;to follow up the implementation of the decisions from the Council;to disseminate and implement government programmes and policies from superior organs;to promote the culture of concord and good relations among the Village's residents;to fight against violence and injustice;to fight against poverty and vagrancy;to deal with civil and cultural issues;to coordinate the activities of the Village's Executive Committees;to participate in meetings provided for by the law or those convened by superior organs;10°to submit activity reports to Cell's authorities.

Article 12 – Duties of the Member in charge of security and people entering and going out of the Village

The Member in charge of security and people entering and going out of the Village shall have the following duties:to preserve security of people and assets on a permanent basis;to sensitise the population about participation in night watches;to ensure that decisions from superior organs are respected;to sensitise the population about the culture of mutual protection in case of danger and about security preservation by themselves;to be informed about the visitors staying in the Village and record them in the visitors' register;to carry out any other task in his/her remit, which can be assigned to him/her by superior organs;to replace the Village's Head in his/her absence or in case of prevention;to transmit the report to the Cell's Executive Secretariat through the Village's Head.

Article 13 – Duties of the Member in charge of social and civil affairs

The Member in charge of social and civil affairs Officer shall have the following duties:to sensitise the population about hygiene;to prepare civil files to be submitted to the Village's Council for examination;to target families whose children are vagrants and provide them with advice;to know children who go to school;to know the children who do not go to school and encourage them to resume studies;to set up a literacy programme for adults;to sensitise the population about the family planning;to sensitise the population about the prevention of and fight against epidemics;to make a census of vulnerable people staying in the Village and examine modalities to assist them;10°to promote harmony within families by laying particular emphasis on the sensitisation of the population about the prevention of and the fight against violence in families;11°to sensitise the population about the subscription to mutual health insurance schemes;12°to work in close collaboration with health workers based in the Village;13°to carry out any other task within his/her remit, which may be assigned to him/her by the superior organ;14°to transmit the report to Cell's Executive Secretariat through the Village's Head.

Article 14 – Duties of the Member in charge of information and population education

The Member in charge of information and population education shall have the following duties:to fight against rumour by providing reliable information;to encourage the population to continue to promote integrity;to ensure the secretariat for Village's meetings;to carry out any other duty in his/her reemit, as it may be assigned to him by a superior organ;to transmit the report to the Cell's Executive Secretary through the Village's Head.

Article 15 – Duties of Member in charge of development

The Member in charge of Development Officer shall have the following duties:to prepare community development activities and urge the population to participate in them;to assist the Village in getting basic figures;to sensitise the population about collective solidarity to solve the problems of poverty they might face;to sensitise the population about the maintenance of infrastructure;to sensitise the population about environment protection;to sensitise the population about development activities;to carry out any other duty in his/her reemit, as it may be assigned to him/her by a superior organ;to transmit the report to the Cell's Executive Secretary through the Village's Head.

Chapter III
Functioning of Village's administrative organs

Section One – Functioning of the Council

Article 16 – Holding, convening, and chairing the Council's meetings

The meeting of the Village's Council shall take place once a month and whenever it is required. It is convened and chaired by the Village's Head. In case of absence or prevention of Village's Head, it is convened and chaired by an Executive Committee member in charge of security.The Village's Council shall meet in the Village constituency in a place to be determined by the Village's Executive Committee.

Article 17 – Quorum

The Village's Council shall sit when at least fifty per cent (50%) of its members plus one participant are present. Where the quorum is not reached, the meeting shall be postponed and takes place within fifteen (15) days.Where the meeting of the Village's Council is convened within fifteen (15) days and where the quorum is not reached again, the meeting shall take place and validly deliberate.

Article 18 – Decision-making

The decisions of the Village's Council shall be taken by consensus by participants in the meeting. Where there is no consensus, decisions shall be taken by vote. In this case, the decision shall be made by absolute majority of participants in the meeting.

Section 2 – Functioning of the Executive Committee

Article 19 – Frequency and venue of Executive Committee meetings

The Village's Executive Committee shall meet twice a month and whenever it is required. It shall meet in the Village's Office or at any other place in the Village constituency, determined by the Village's Executive Committee.

Article 20 – Quorum

The Executive Committee shall validly meet when at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee members are present.

Article 21 – Chairing meetings and decision-making

The meeting of the Village's Executive Committee shall be chaired by the Village's Head. In case of absence or prevention of Village's Head, it shall be convened and chaired by the Executive Committee member in charge of security.Decisions within the Village's Executive Committee shall be taken by consensus. Where there is no consensus, decisions shall be taken by vote. In this case, decisions shall be taken by absolute majority of participants in the meeting.

Article 22 – Reporting

A monthly report on all the activities of the previous month and the activities to be carried out the following month shall be sent to the Cell's Executive by the Village's Executive Committee after discussion and agreement on the content of the report.

Chapter IV
Miscellaneous and final provisions

Article 23 – Meeting with Village's Heads

The Executive Secretary of the Cell shall organise a meeting with Village's Heads once a month and whenever it is required to share views on the general life of the Villages they lead. Participants to the meeting shall elect a Secretary among them.

Article 24 – Sensitising a Village's resident about mending his/her ways

Without prejudice to the sanctions provided for by laws, the Village's Council, based on the faults and misbehaviour or any unworthy attitude from a resident of the Village, shall administer sanctions in a family setting, aiming at calling upon him/her to mend his/her ways after reprimanding and providing him/her with advice.The Village's Council may also take other measures against whoever is staying in the Village where it is established that they disturb security or voluntarily refuse to implement the decisions from the Village's Council.The measures provided for in Paragraph One of this Article shall be initiated by the Executive Committee and approved by the Village's Council.

Article 25 – Authorities responsible of the implementation of this Order

The Minister of Local Government and the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning are entrusted with the implementation of this Order

Article 26 – Repealing provisions

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed

Article 27 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

28 July 2014 this version
10 July 2014
Assented to