Presidential Order establishing the Special Statutes Governing Employees of Rwanda Investigation Bureau

Presidential Order 93 of 2019


Presidential Order establishing the Special Statutes Governing Employees of Rwanda Investigation Bureau

Presidential Order 93 of 2019

We, KAGAME Paul,President of the Republic;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015, especially in Articles 112, 120, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law n° 12/2017 of 07/04/2017 establishing the Rwanda Investigation Bureau and determining its mission, powers, organisation and functioning, especially in Article 27;Pursuant to Law n° 86/2013 of 11/09/2013 establishing the general statutes for public service, especially in Article 2;On proposal by the Minister of Justice/Attorney General;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 03/04/2019;HAVE ORDERED AND ORDER:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order establishes the special statutes governing employees of the Rwanda Investigation Bureau, abbreviated as “RIBˮ.

Article 2 – Scope of application

This Order applies to career investigators. It also applies to support staff except where it is provided for otherwise in this Order.However, the Law establishing general statutes for public service applies to employees of RIB for matters not provided for by this Order.

Article 3 – Categories of employees of RIB

Employees of RIB are classified in the following two (2) categories:career investigators;support staff.

Article 4 – Career investigators

Career investigators are employees of RIB whose responsibility is to carry out criminal investigation.

Article 5 – Support staff

The employees of RIB who perform administrative or support activities.

Chapter II
Recruitment and taking oath

Article 6 – Methods of recruitment of RIB employees

The methods of recruitment of RIB employees are determined by internal rules and regulations of RIB.

Article 7 – Requirements to be recruited as career investigator within RIB

A person to be recruited as career investigator within RIB, must fulfil the following requirements:to be a Rwandan by nationality;to be at least eighteen (18) years old and not over thirty (30) years old. For persons with special skills, this age may be increased by the competent authority where necessary. However, the person with special skills must not be over forty-five (45) years old;to have good conduct and morals;not to have been definitively sentenced to a term of imprisonment equal to or exceeding six (6) months;to be healthy and physically fit, proven by a medical certificate issued by a recognized medical doctor;not to have been dismissed from public service;not to have been deprived of civil and political rights by a court decision;not to be prosecuted for the crime of genocide or genocide ideology and other related offenses;not to have been definitively sentenced for the crime of genocide or genocide ideology and other related offenses.Internal rules and regulations of RIB may determine additional requirements to be recruited as career investigator within RIB.

Article 8 – Taking oath

Before assuming the office, employees of RIB swear the following oath before the Minister in charge of investigation:"I, ____________________ solemnly swear to the Rwanda that I will:remain loyal to the Republic of Rwanda;abide by the Constitution and other laws;respect the Government institutions;diligently fulfil the responsibilities entrusted to me and respect rights of all service beneficiaries;uphold public service values and ethics.Should I fail to honour this oath, may I be subject to the rigours of the Law.So, help me God”.If an employee of RIB who took an oath is appointed or nominated to another job position, he or she does not take oath again.Each document that contains the oath is signed by the person who took the oath and countersigned by the person who receives the oath.

Article 9 – Training courses for career investigators

Every career investigator undergoes prior criminal investigation training courses corresponding to his or her job position, unless he or she produces evidence that he or she has previously completed such training.A career investigator who attends criminal investigation training courses organized by RIB is paid his or her salary.

Article 10 – Determination of training courses for career investigators

Training courses for career investigators are determined by the General Secretariat of RIB in partnership with professional training institutions.Training courses for career investigators are delivered in partnership with national or foreign training schools specialised in investigations, crime intelligence and other related fields that contribute to the prevention, detection and investigation of crimes.

Chapter III
Obligations and rights of employees of RIB

Article 11 – Obligations of employees of RIB

An employee of RIB has the following obligations:to serve the Republic of Rwanda with loyalty, integrity, truthfulness, professionalism, bravery, courtesy and dignity;to personally fulfil duties entrusted to him or her and with all his or her conscience;to respect orders given to him or her by his or her superior and to collaborate with other employees in whatever is useful to the service;to avoid any behaviour that may undermine the trust of the population in RIB functions;to know laws, guidelines and measures regarding the respect of his or her duties, their implementation and respect;to respect instructions regarding professional secrecy;to promote welfare, good performance and discipline on duty;to respect rights of his or her superiors, subordinates and colleagues and to brief them on the prevailing information whenever possible;to be always ready for work and accountable in his or her duties.

Article 12 – Prohibited acts

An employee of RIB is prohibited from:undertaking any act jeopardizing the security of the country and integrity of the nation;participating in demonstration movements or taking part in actions intended to provoke a demonstration;demanding or receiving personally or through a third person, even out of his or her duty hours, bribes, gifts or donations, commissions and other gratuities or tips of any kind whatsoever likely to undermine the trust of the people, honesty, good conduct and justice;taking advantage of his or her status of being an employee of RIB in order to evade paying debts or solicit exemption thereof;being involved in activities of political parties or any other association of a political nature.

Article 13 – Incompatibilities with duties of an employee of RIB

The following activities are incompatible with duties of an employee of RIB:any political activity;any commercial profession;any participation in the management or administration of a company, a cooperative or any other commercial or industrial enterprise. However, this is not applicable to mandates exercised on behalf of the State in private enterprises.An employee of RIB on secondment is prohibited from having interests likely to make him or her partial in the institution where he or she is seconded.

Article 14 – Protection of an employee of RIB

The State protects an employee of RIB against attacks, threats, abuses and defamation during exercise of his or her duties and helps him or her follow-up compensations for the prejudice incurred.

Article 15 – Management of administrative file of an employee of RIB

An employee of RIB has the right to access his or her administrative file.The administrative file of an employee of RIB is kept in the Inspection and Compliance Department as well as in the service to which the employee is assigned.

Article 16 – Dress code of employees of RIB

The High Council of RIB, on proposal by the Secretary General of RIB, approves different types of uniforms for employees of RIB according to services to which they are assigned.Career investigators representing RIB during official ceremonies or festivities wear a dignified gown determined by the Secretary General of RIB in consultation with High Council of RIB.

Article 17 – Use of insignia of RIB

An employee of RIB may use insignia of RIB that comprise of uniform, flag, logo and medals.Insignia of RIB are approved by the High Council of RIB on proposal by the Secretary General of RIB.

Article 18 – Annual declaration of assets

A career investigator annually submits to the Office of Ombudsman a declaration of his or her assets.

Chapter IV
Statutory positions for an employee of RIB

Article 19 – Annual leave abroad

Employees of RIB appointed by a Presidential Order or a Primer Minister’s Order are granted an authorization to take an annual leave abroad by the appointing authority.Other employees of RIB are granted authorization to take annual leave abroad by the Secretary General of RIB.

Article 20 – Leave of absence for a specific period

Leave of absence for a specific period is a situation where an employee of RIB is authorized to stop working for a specific period of time due to one of the following reasons:a period not exceeding two (2) months to care for his or her sick spouse, parent or child;a period not exceeding one (1) month for justified personal reasons.An employee of RIB authorized for leave of absence for a specific period is not entitled to his or her salary and other fringe benefits.When the period for leave of absence for a specific period comes to an end, an employee of RIB resumes his or her job position.An employee of RIB who does not resume his or her job position after the expiry of the prescribed period is considered a deserter.Application for leave of absence for a specific period is submitted in writing to the competent authority against acknowledgment of receipt.The competent authority may not grant a leave of absence for a specific period to an employee of RIB in the interest of the service.

Article 21 – Rotation

The rotation of an employee of RIB from one unit to another or from one service to another within RIB, without prejudice to the competence of the appointing organs, is done by the Secretary General of RIB.The rotation of an employee of RIB within the same unit or within the same service, without prejudice to the competence of appointing organs, is done by the Director of unit or the Head of service and informs the Secretary General of RIB.

Article 22 – Secondment

Secondment refers to a situation where an employee of RIB, in the interest of the country, is temporarily assigned to work for:an institution in which the Government has interest;another public agency;a private institution bound to the Government by an agreement;an international organisation.Secondment is decided by the competent authority and is in writing while specifying its duration.If the seconded employee of RIB does not receive a salary from the institution in which he or she is seconded, he or she continues to receive his or her salary from RIB.However, special allowances related to the service are provided in accordance with relevant rules and regulations.An employee of RIB on secondment is governed by the laws of the institution to which he or she is seconded.If the secondment comes to an end as not a result of disciplinary sanctions, the seconded employee of RIB on secondment returns to RIB and the period of secondment is taken into consideration in his or her placement and in granting him or her related benefits.

Article 23 – Provision of facilitation for relocation

An employee of RIB transferred to another workplace is facilitated by RIB for his or her relocation together with his or her family.

Article 24 – Performance management

The performance management of employees of RIB is governed by relevant laws.

Chapter V
Disciplinary faults and sanctions

Article 25 – Disciplinary fault

An employee of RIB who does not comply with the obligations assigned to him or her, he or she commits a disciplinary fault sanctioned by one of the sanctions provided for under this Order.

Section One – Categories of disciplinary sanctions

Article 26 – Sanctions of the first category

Sanctions of the first category correspond with minor disciplinary faults depending on their gravity.From the least to the heaviest, sanctions of the first category are as follows:written warning;written reprimand.

Article 27 – Sanctions of the second category

Sanctions of the second category correspond with serious disciplinary faults depending on their gravity.From the least to the heaviest, sanctions of the second category are as follows:suspension for a period not exceeding three (3) months without pay;dismissal.

Section 2 – Disciplinary faults sanctioned by sanctions of the first category

Article 28 – Disciplinary faults sanctioned by a written warning

Disciplinary faults sanctioned by a written warning are the following:to arrive late on duty without valid and communicated reason;to lie in matters pertaining to work;to perform activities other than those related to work while at work during working hours;to carry out an assignment with negligence;to complain about instructions related to work while the instructions are not contrary to the law;not to wear uniform or service identity card, when required;to come to work unclean;to loiter at work;not to give a committed welcome to service beneficiaries;10ºto delay in unjustified way to complete a dossier;11ºto do not deliver a service under his or her duties without reasonable and valid justification;12ºto loose or to cause a damage to, due to negligence, a work equipment of a value of less than or equivalent to five hundred thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 500,000).

Article 29 – Disciplinary faults sanctioned by a written reprimand

Disciplinary faults sanctioned by a written reprimand are the following:to be absent from work for one (1) day without authorisation;to issue instructions to do or not to do an act without having the authority to do so;to do not issue instructions that fall under his or her duties or to do not supervise employees or activities under his or her responsibility;to sleep while on duty, unless allowed during the night because of the nature of services;not to wear uniform while on duty;to misuse work equipment;to mishandle firearms;to discourage his or her colleagues from performing their duties;not to respect, without reasonable justification, the response time fixed by his or her supervisor;10ºto do not submit on time the official mission or training report;11ºto smoke at work premises or at a place not meant to it;12ºto take alcoholic drinks while on duty during working hours;13ºto lose or cause a damage to, due to negligence, a work equipment of a value superior to five hundred thousand Rwandan francs (FRW 500,000) but below one million Rwandan francs (FRW 1,000,000).

Section 3 – Disciplinary faults sanctioned by sanctions of the second category

Article 30 – Disciplinary faults sanctioned by suspension for a period not exceeding three (3) months without pay

Disciplinary faults sanctioned by suspension for a period not exceeding three (3) months without pay are the following:to insult or defame verbally, by writing or by images his or her superior, an employee of the same or lower job level;to deploy himself or herself on duties for personal interests;to handle a case related to work inappropriately due to personal interests;to be sent on official mission or for training but he or she deviates;to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on the duty;to spread information intended to incite people to dislike or defame RIB or public institutions in general;to lose or cause a damage to, due to negligence, a work equipment of a value equal or superior to one million five hundred thousand Rwandan francs (1,500,000 FRW).The suspension period is deducted from the working experience of the sanctioned career investigator.

Article 31 – Disciplinary faults sanctioned by dismissal

Disciplinary faults sanctioned by dismissal are the following:to refuse to take oath as an employee of RIB;to desert his or her duties without any known reason for a period of at least consecutive fifteen (15) days or consecutively within ninety (90) days;to be definitively sentenced to a term of imprisonment equal to or exceeding six (6) months;to fraudulently alter the content of his or her administrative file or the one of another employees;to have submitted falsified credentials for recruitment;to steal at work;to be in excessive drunkenness, have indecent behavior including indebtedness, prostitution and family neglect;to assault another person at work;to insult the Secretary General or Deputy Secretary General of RIB or any other government high official on the same or superior job level as theirs;10ºto commit a fraudulent act or omission aimed at favoring or putting at disadvantage a candidate in course of recruitment process;11ºto solicit, receive or give bribe or illegal benefit in exchange of service;12ºto harass another person for purposes of sexual intercourse;13ºto commit a gender-based violence at workplace;14ºto manifest acts of discrimination, sectarianism and nepotism;15ºto contravene with prohibitions and incompatibilities provided for under this Order;16ºto misuse, lose or sell a firearm.

Section 4 – Other disciplinary faults not provided for under this Order

Article 32 – Determination of other disciplinary faults not provided for under this Order

If an employee of RIB commits an act or behaves in a way contrary to his or her professional obligations while such an act or conduct constitute a disciplinary fault that is not provided for under this Order, the Secretary General of RIB, upon recommendation of the internal disciplinary committee, determines the gravity of the act or conduct considered as a disciplinary fault and the corresponding sanction among sanctions provided for by this Order.

Article 33 – Faults relating to declaration of assets

An employee of RIB who commits a disciplinary fault related to declaration of assets is punished in accordance with modalities provided for by law determining the mission, powers, organisation and functioning of the Office of the Ombudsman.

Chapter VI
Disciplinary regulations procedure and rehabilitation

Section One – Principles governing infliction of a disciplinary fault

Article 34 – Disciplinary proceedings

Disciplinary proceedings are conducted in writing.A sanction is effective from the date of its pronouncement.

Article 35 – Right to defense

Not any employee of RIB may be sanctioned unless he or she has been given an opportunity to submit in writing his or her defense.An employee of RIB gives his or her explanations within fifteen (15) days of the date he or she is given the letter requesting explanations.

Article 36 – Disciplinary liability and criminal liability

A disciplinary fault and sanction are independent from the criminal or civil liabilities and related proceedings.

Article 37 – Competent authority to impose a disciplinary sanction

Sanctions of the first category are imposed by the Secretary General of RIB.The Secretary General of RIB may delegate the authority to sanction to another authority within RIB.The sanction of suspension is imposed by internal disciplinary committee.The sanction of dismissal is approved by the High Council of RIB based on the recommendation of internal disciplinary committee.However, employees of RIB appointed by a Presidential Order or a Primer Minister’s Order, the sanction of dismissal is imposed by the Cabinet.

Article 38 – Non-cumulative sanctions

A disciplinary fault is sanctioned by only one of the sanctions provided for under this Order.No employee of RIB is sanctioned more than once for the same disciplinary fault.

Article 39 – Modalities of imposing a sanction in case of concurrence of disciplinary faults

If an employee of RIB receives several sanctions as a result of one fact, he or she is imposed only the most severe sanction among sanctions provided for the concerned faults.

Article 40 – Notification of the disciplinary sanction

The decision of a taken disciplinary sanction is notified to the employee of RIB in writing.

Section 2 – Internal disciplinary Committee

Subsection One – Establishment of the internal disciplinary Committee

Article 41 – Establishment of the first instance internal disciplinary committee

The first instance internal disciplinary Committee is established at each Provincial Bureau and at the head office of RIB.

Article 42 – Establishment of the national appeal internal disciplinary committee

The national appeal internal disciplinary Committee is established.

Subsection 2 – Composition of the internal disciplinary Committee

Article 43 – Composition of the first instance internal disciplinary Committee at Provincial Bureau

The first instance internal disciplinary Committee at Provincial Bureau is composed of the following persons:Chief Investigator at Provincial Bureau who is the chairperson of the Committee;Crime Intelligence Officer at Provincial Bureau who is the secretary of the Committee;Chief Investigator at District Bureau where the fault was committed;one (1) Assistant Investigator at Station Bureau, selected by the Chief Investigator at Provincial Bureau in consultation with the Chief Investigator at District Bureau within the Province;one (1) crime intelligence officer at Station Bureau, selected by the chief investigator of RIB at Provincial Bureau in consultation with each Chief Investigator at District Bureau within the Province.

Article 44 – Composition of the first instance internal disciplinary Committee at head office of RIB

The first instance internal disciplinary Committee at head office of RIB is composed of the following persons:the Director General of Administration and Finance who is the chairperson of the Committee;the representative of the Directorate General of crime investigations;the representative of the Directorate General of crime intelligence and counter terrorism;the Director of Administration and Human Resources Unit who is the secretary of the Committee;one (1) representative of career investigators and members of support staff appointed by the Director General of Administration and Finance in consultation with other Directors General.

Article 45 – Composition of the national appeal internal disciplinary Committee

The national appeal internal disciplinary Committee is composed of the following persons:the Deputy Secretary General of RIB who is the chairperson of the Committee;the Director General of crime investigations;the Director General of crime intelligence and counter terrorism;the Head of Interpol and Cooperation Department;the representative of the division managers and equivalent who is the secretary of the committee appointed by the Secretary General of RIB.The chairperson of the national appeal internal disciplinary Committee chairs the meetings of the Committee. However, he or she may delegate one of the Directors General who is a member of the Committee to chair the meeting of the Committee in his or her absence.

Subsection 3 – Competences of the internal disciplinary Committee

Article 46 – Competences of the first instance internal disciplinary Committee at Provincial Bureau

The first instance internal disciplinary Committee at Provincial Bureau hears the faults committed by employees of RIB at Provincial level.However, the first instance internal disciplinary Committee at Provincial Bureau cannot hear the faults committed by the following employees:Chief Investigator at Provincial Bureau;Crime Intelligence Officer at Provincial Bureau;Chief Investigator at District Bureau;Crime Intelligence Officer at District Bureau.

Article 47 – Competences of the first instance internal disciplinary Committee at head office of RIB

The first instance internal disciplinary Committee at head office of RIB hears the faults committed by the following employees:Employees of RIB up to the level of director of unit or equivalent who work at the head office of RIB;Crime Intelligence Officer at Provincial Bureau;Chief Investigator at District Bureau;Crime Intelligence Officer at District Bureau.The first instance internal disciplinary Committee at the head office of RIB may also hear faults committed by employees that are in the competence of the first instance internal disciplinary Committee at Provincial Bureau, if necessary.

Article 48 – Competence of national appeal internal disciplinary Committee

The national appeal internal disciplinary Committee hears at first instance the faults committed by the following employees:a Head of Department;a Division Manager and equivalent;the Director of Administration and Human Resources Unit.The national appeal internal disciplinary Committee hears the appeal on disciplinary sanctions imposed by the first instance internal disciplinary committees. The decision taken by this Committee is not subject to a second appeal.The decision taken by the national appeal internal disciplinary Committee at the first instance is subject to appeal before the High Council of RIB.

Subsection 4 – Functioning of the internal disciplinary Committee

Article 49 – Personal interest in the issue on the agenda

A member of the internal disciplinary committee cannot attend the hearing if he or she is subject to the issue on the agenda.

Article 50 – Hearing of the suspected employee

In the course of the hearing, the internal disciplinary Committee hears the employee alleged of fault, and if considered necessary, the complainant and witnesses.

Article 51 – Modalities for decision-making in internal disciplinary committee

The internal disciplinary Committee takes the decision in camera and by consensus.If there is not any consensus, the decision is taken by absolute majority vote of members of the internal disciplinary Committee present through a secret ballot.In the case of a tie, the voting is repeated.If no absolute majority during the second round is obtained, the chairperson’s vote has a casting vote.The internal disciplinary Committee takes decision on the basis of the following:report of the Inspection and Compliance Department;means of defense of the suspect;arguments of the complainant;arguments of the witnesses, if any.The internal disciplinary Committee must indicate the basis of its decision.

Section 3 – Proceedings for a disciplinary fault

Article 52 – Summoning a suspected employee of RIB

A suspected employee of RIB is summoned by the Inspection and Compliance Department to present his or her defense.In case of misunderstanding on the proof of summon, the Inspection and Compliance Department has the burden of proof.

Article 53 – Rights of an accused employee of RIB prior to defense hearing

When the matter is brought before the Inspection and Compliance Department, the suspected employee of RIB is allowed to consult his or her file as well as the findings of the investigation where it has been carried out.Where an employee of RIB officially summoned does not appear without any valid reason, the Inspection and Compliance Department proceeds with investigations and makes a report out of the available evidence.If the valid reasons impeding the appearance of the employee of RIB is brought to the attention of the Inspection and Compliance Department after making its report, the suspected employee applies to the Secretary General for reconsideration of the report and the right to defence.When the report is not yet submitted to the internal disciplinary Committee, the Secretary General, after examination of the validity of the submitted reason, orders the Inspection and Compliance Department to review the report within fifteen (15) days from the day of reception of the Secretary General’s order.

Article 54 – Preparation of the investigation report and its submission to the internal disciplinary Committee

The head of Inspection and Compliance Department conducts investigations on the alleged fault and submits the investigations report to the Secretary General of RIB for approval prior to its submission to the internal disciplinary Committee for hearing the disciplinary fault.

Article 55 – Suspension during investigation

Suspension during investigation is a situation where an employee of RIB suspected of having committed a fault punishable by a sanction of second category is suspended for a period not exceeding six (6) months for investigation.The suspension of an employee is made by the Secretary General of RIB.

Article 56 – Rights of an employee of RIB under suspension during investigation

During the period of suspension during investigation, the whole salary of the suspended employee continues to be calculated and retained.In case he or she is innocent of the alleged disciplinary fault, or he or she is imposed a sanction other than suspension or revocation, the employee receives the salary retained for him or her.

Article 57 – End of suspension during investigation

The suspension during investigation ends by:recommencement of service at the end of disciplinary sanction;recommencement of service after investigation findings have revealed that the employee under investigation neither committed a fault nor an offence;dismissal.

Article 58 – Matters not included in this Order in relation to disciplinary procedure

The internal rules and regulations of RIB may provide details of disciplinary procedures for matters not provided for under this Order.

Section 4 – Rehabilitation

Article 59 – Competent authority to grant rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is granted by the authority that imposed the sanction after consultation with the High Council of RIB.

Article 60 – Requirements to grant rehabilitation

Rehabilitation may be granted if there is sufficient proof that, after the sanction, the concerned employee has changed and demonstrates good behaviour.For the sanctions of the first category, rehabilitation may be granted only after two (2) years from the date on which the sanction was imposed.For the sanctions of the second category, rehabilitation may be granted after five (5) years from the date on which the sanction was imposed.

Article 61 – Rights arising from rehabilitation

Rehabilitation entitles the beneficiary the right to a clean disciplinary record.

Chapter VII
Termination of employment of an employee of RIB

Article 62 – Voluntary resignation

An employee of RIB may voluntarily resign from the office in a written application to the Secretary General of RIB through his or her immediate supervisor.The application is valid only if it is approved by the High Council of RIB.The decision granting voluntary resignation is notified to the concerned employee within a period not exceeding ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of the application.An employee of RIB who has submitted his or her application for resignation continues to discharge his or her duties until he or she is notified of the decision on his or her application.

Article 63 – Required time before application for voluntary resignation

For the application for voluntary resignation to be accepted, an employee who applies for voluntary resignation must have served for at least five (5) years in RIB.

Article 64 – Irrevocability of voluntary resignation

Once the application for voluntary resignation is received, it cannot be revoked.The authorisation for voluntary resignation does not preclude subsequent judicial proceedings against the resigned employee on the grounds of offences committed by him or her but revealed after the voluntary resignation is accepted.An employee of RIB whose voluntary resignation has been granted is not allowed to be reintegrated in RIB unless it is in public interest.

Article 65 – Termination benefits

When an employee is removed from office due to job suppression or discontinuance, he or she is entitled to termination benefits calculated on the basis of the gross salary and are paid in the following manner:two (2) months salary for an employee with at least one (1) year but less than five (5) years of working experience;three (3) months salary for an employee with at least five (5) years but less than ten (10) years of working experience;four (4) months salary for an employee with at least ten (10) years but less than fifteen (15) years of working experience;five (5) months salary for an employee with at least fifteen (15) years but less than twenty (20) years of working experience;six (6) months salary for an employee with at least twenty (20) years but less than twenty-five (25) years of working experience;seven (7) months salary for an employee with at least twenty-five (25) years of working experience.

Article 66 – Retirement age

With the exception of the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General of RIB, the retirement age is sixty (60) years for a career investigator in managerial positions and fifty (50) years for other career investigators.For the interest of service, the High Council of RIB may extend the retirement age for a career investigator. The extended period may not exceed five (5) years.

Article 67 – Early retirement

A career investigator in managerial positions who attains at least fifty (50) years and other career investigators who attain at least forty-five (45) years, with at least fifteen (15) years in service, on ground of personal reasons, may apply to the competent authority for early retirement.Retirement, whether at the retirement age or prematurely, is decided by the High Council of RIB, on proposal by the Secretary General of RIB.

Article 68 – Retirement benefits

A career investigator who retires is entitled to retirement benefits equal to twenty-four (24) months calculated on his or her highest gross salary in his or her profession of criminal investigation and which constituted the basis of calculation of the subscription to the social security.A career investigator who retires continues to receive medical care in accordance with laws applicable for civil servants.

Chapter VIII
Honorary title and medals for a career investigator

Article 69 – Honorary title and fidelity bonus

A career investigator who maintains high integrity after at least twenty (20) years of service is awarded an honorary title corresponding to his or her last job position and a bonus equal to three (3) times of his or her last monthly salary paid to him or her once.At the beginning of each year, the Secretary General draws up a list of those who are supposed to be awarded an honorary title for submission to the High Council of RIB for decision.

Article 70 – Honorary medals and ribbons

Instructions of the Minister in charge RIB determine honorary medals and ribbons of RIB to be given to career investigators who served with integrity.

Article 71 – Withdrawing an honorary title

The High Council of RIB may withdraw the honorary title of career investigator due to a conviction for an offence punishable by a term of imprisonment equal to or exceeding six (6) months.The decision of the High Council of RIB on the withdrawal of the honorary title of a career investigator is not subject to administrative appeal.

Chapter IX
Transitional and final provisions

Article 72 – Career investigators and other members of support staff who do not meet requirements of this Order

Career investigators and other members of support staff in service in the departments which were merged to form RIB who do not meet required conditions for the positions they occupy are given a period of five (5) years from the commencement of this Order to have fulfilled these conditions.For career investigators in service and who did not attend the required criminal investigation courses, RIB organizes courses for them.

Article 73 – Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Order

The Prime Minister, the Minister of Public Service and Labour, the Minister of Justice/Attorney General and the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning are entrusted with the implementation of this Order.

Article 74 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order have been repealed.

Article 75 – Commencement

This Order comes into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda. It takes effect as of 14/05/2018.
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History of this document

19 August 2019 this version
16 August 2019
Assented to
14 May 2018