Regulations of the Chief Executive Officer determining the Volume of Mineral Ore Samples

Regulation 6 of 2019


Regulations of the Chief Executive Officer determining the Volume of Mineral Ore Samples

Regulation 6 of 2019

The Chief Executive Officer of Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board;Pursuant to Law n° 58/2018 of 13/08/2018 on mining and quarry operations, especially in Article 23;Having reviewed Ministerial Instructions nº 010/MINIRENA/2016 of 11/01/2016 determining types, size limits and modalities for exporting mineral ore samples;After consideration and approval by Cabinet, in its session of 07/06/2019;ISSUES THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONS:

Article One – Purpose of these Regulations

These Regulations determine the limit of quantities of mineral ore samples.

Article 2 – Scope of application

These Regulations apply to:metallic mineral ore samples;non-metallic minerals mineral ore samples.

Article 3 – List of metallic mineral ore samples

The list of metallic mineral ore samples comprises but is not limited to the following:A1: Precious metals:a.Ag;b.Au;c.PGE.A2: Base metals:a.Al;b.Cu;c.Ni;d.Sn;e.Pb;f.Pb-Zn.A3: Fe-and Ferro-alloy metals:a.Nb;b.W;c.Ti-oxides;d.HM = Heavy minerals;e.Cr;f.Co;g.Mn;h.Mo.A4: Rare Metals, Technology metals:a.La;b.Li;c.REE;d.Zr;e.Be.

Article 4 – List of non-metallic mineral ore samples

The list of non-metallic mineral ore samples comprises but is not limited to the following:B1: Precious and semi-precious stones:a.tourmaline;b.sapphire;c.aquamarine;d.amethyst;e.chrysoberyl;f.diamond;g.ruby;h.emerald;i.topaz;j.chalcedony;k.jasper;l.citrine;m.aventurine;n.garnet;o.iolite;p.kyanite;q.peridot.B2: Ceramic and refractory minerals:a.clay;b.feldspar;c.graphite;d.kaolin;e.bentonite.B3: Industrial minerals and rocks:a.corundum;b.micas;c.abrasives;d.staurolite;e.attapulgite;f.sepiolite;g.mineral pigment;h.silica sand;i.talc;j.vermiculite.B4: Fertilizer minerals:a.phosphate;b.potash;c.lime.B5: Energy resources:a.peat.B6: Building raw materials, dimension stones:a.dolerite;b.gabbro;c.granite;d.amphibolite;e.gypsum;f.anhydrite;g.limestone;h.cement;i.marble;j.travertine.

Article 5 – Limit of the quantity of mineral ore samples

The limit of the quantity of mineral ore samples is in Annex I of these Regulations.

Article 6 – Sending mineral ore samples abroad

An owner of mineral ore samples who wants to send them abroad for laboratory analysis purpose requests for an authorisation from the Chief Executive Officer of Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board in a format prescribed in Annex II of these Regulations.

Article 7 – Submission of laboratory results

The sender of mineral ore samples must submit to the Chief Executive Officer of Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board a detailed laboratory report within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of the authorisation referred to under Article 6 of these regulations.

Article 8 – Repealing provision

Ministerial Instructions nº 010/MINIRENA/2016 of 11/01/2016 determining types, size limits and modalities for exporting mineral ore samples and all prior provisions contrary to these Regulations are repealed.

Article 9 – Commencement

These Regulations come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.

Annex 1

Limit of the quality of mineral ore samples

I. Metallic mineral ore samples

MineralsCategoryLimit of the quantity
Non-weathered rockA1, A2, A3, A4≤ two kilograms (2 kg) per bag
Weathered rockA1, A2, A3, A4≤ three kilograms (3 kg) per bag
CrystalA2, A3, A4≤ one kilogram (1 kg) per bag
Pre-concentrated oreA2, A3, A4≤ three kilograms (3 kg) per bag
Concentrates oreA2, A3, A4≤ one and half kilograms (1,5 kg) per bag
CrystalA1≤ zero point one kilogram (0,1 kg) per bag
Pre-concentrated oreA1≤ half kilogram (0,5 kg) per bag
Concentrated oreA1≤ zero point one kilogram (0,1 kg) per bag
SoilA1, A2, A3, A4≤ two and half kilograms (2,5 kg) per bag
LiquidA1, A2, A3, A4≤ five litres (5 L) per bag

II. Non-metallic mineral ore samples

MineralsCategoryLimit of the quantity
Non-weathered rockB2, B3, B4, B5≤ five kilograms (5 kg) per bag
Weathered rockB2, B3, B4, B5≤ ten kilograms (10 kg) per bag
Pre-concentrated oreB2, B3, B4, B5≤ three kilograms (3 kg) per bag
Concentrated oreB2, B3, B4, B5≤ two kilograms (2 kg) per bag
Non-weathered rockB1≤ zero point two kilogram (0,2 kg) per bag
Weathered rockB1≤ zero point three kilogram (0,3 kg) per bag
CrystalB1≤ ten (10) carats per bag
Pre-concentrated oreB1≤ zero point five kilogram (0,5 kg) per bag
Concentrated oreB1≤ zero point one kilogram (0,1 kg) per bag
Non-weathered rockB6≤ ten kilograms (10 kg) per bag
Weathered rockB6≤ twenty kilograms (20 kg) per bag

III. Special mineral ore samples for industrial testing

MineralsCategoryLimit of the quantity
Mineral ore for metallurgical testingA2, A3, A4≤ fifty kilograms (50 kg) per bag
Mineral for industrial testingB2, B3, B4, B5≤ one hundred kilograms (100 kg) per bag
Rocks for dimension stones testingB6≤ fifty kilograms (50 kg) per bag
Building and road materials for testingB2, B3, B6≤ one hundred kilograms (100 kg) per bag

Annex II


[Editorial note: The forms have not been reproduced.]
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History of this document

29 July 2019 this version
18 July 2019
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