Instructions of the Registrar General determining Fees Payable for Partnerships Registration Services

Instructions of the Registrar General 2 of 2022


Instructions of the Registrar General determining Fees Payable for Partnerships Registration Services

Instructions of the Registrar General 2 of 2022

The Registrar General;
Pursuant to Law n° 008/2021 of 16/02/2021 governing partnerships, especially in Article 143;ISSUES THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS:

Article One – Partnerships registration services and payable fees

Partnerships registration services and payable fees are in annex of these instructions.

Article 2 – Commencement

These instructions come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.


Partnerships registration services and payable fees

Application for partnership registration0
Reservation partnership name or its renewal5 000
Request for a copy of the information contained in the partnership register5 000
Conversion of a partnership from one type into another or a company into limited liability partnership0
Filing any document, form, statement, notice, declaration of solvency or insolvency, declaration of annual financial statements10 000
Notification of change of detailed information entered in a partnership register10 000
Any other service not provided for in these Instructions10 000
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History of this document

30 May 2022 this version
23 May 2022
Assented to