Ministerial Order determining the Responsibilities of School Management Board

Ministerial Order 2 of 2016


Ministerial Order determining the Responsibilities of School Management Board

Ministerial Order 2 of 2016

The Minister of Education;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 as revised in 2015, especially in Articles 121, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law n° 23/2012 of 15/06/2012 governing the organization and functioning of Nursery, Primary and Secondary Education, especially in Article 16;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 14/05/2015;HEREBY ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of this Order

This Order determines the responsibilities of management board members of a nursery, primary or secondary school. It also deteterimes other school authorities depending on the category of the school and the number of students.

Chapter II

Article 2 – General responsibility of the Headmaster

In general, the Headmaster shall be responsible for all academic and extra curricula activities all the time.

Article 3 – Responsibilities of the Headmaster at administrative level

In relation to administratiion, the Headmaster’s responsibilities shall be:to ensure respect of laws, orders and regulations in force;to prepare rules and regulations in accordance with the school legislation in force; Orders, Instructions and specific conventions recognized by the State;to ensure professional leadership;to supervise and coordinate the elaboration of the school action plan;to coordinate school activities;to keep school diary;to ensure order and discipline of the school;to ensure respect of the school timetable;to prepare and conduct the meetings of teachers and pupils;10°to establish personnel files and students’ identification forms;11°to provide for the replacement of an absent teacher;12°to identify mistakes done at school, punish those in his/her powers and submit the files to the relevant authorities if the mistake falls in thier powers;13°to evaluate the staff at first level;14°to establish school statistics;15°to write and transmit all required reports.

Article 4 – Responsibilities of the Headmaster at pedagogical level

In relation to pedagogy, the Headmaster must:ensure the implementation of the curriculum;assist teachers to deliver courses professionally and motivate students.

Article 5 – Responsibilities of the Headmaster in relation to finances

In relation to finance, the Headmaster must:organize inventory of all school property;prepare and recommend for approval the school budget;execute the budget according to current procedures and instructions;manage the school property;promote income generating activities;promptly transmit required reports.

Article 6 – Responsibilities of the Headmaster at social life level

In relation to social life, the Headmaster must:promote good relationships among school administration, students, teachers and other staff;represent the school in its relationship with other parties;promote socio-cultural and economic activities for the school and in the neighbourhood;serve as a link between teachers, students, parents, the neighbors to the school and other third parties;communicate to parents the behaviors of students;ensure the health, hygiene, and cleanliness within the school and in the neighborhood;ensure the protection and security of people and school property;promote extra-curricula activities and encourage students to participate in sports and cultural activities;communicate necessary information to teachers, parents, students, and other concerned people;10°play the role of a parent for all students.

Chapter III
School authorities appointed on the basis of the category of school or the number of students

Article 7 – School categories for purposes of the appointment of school authorities

Nursery, primary and secondary schools shall be divided into the following three categories:the first category composed of:a.Nursery educationb.Primary educationc.Nursery and primary educationthe second category composed of:a.primary and secondary schools with less than seven hundred (700) students;b.secondary schools with less than seven hundred (700) students;the third category composed of:a.primary and secondary schools with seven hundred (700) students or more;b.secondary schools with seven hundred (700) students or more;

Article 8 – School authorities appointed on the basis of school category

A school in the first category shall have a Headmaster only.A school in the second category shall have the following authorities:Headmaster;Deputy Headmaster in charge of studies;Deputy Headmaster in charge of discipline;Bursar;Secretary.A school in the third category shall have the following authorities:Headmaster;Deputy Headmaster in charge of studies;Two (2) Deputy Headmasters in charge of discipline;Bursar;Secretary

Article 9 – Attributions of Deputy Headmaster in charge of studies

The Deputy Headmaster in charge of studies shall have the following responsibilities:to prepare the elaboration of timetable;to supervise the activities of teaching and learning;to support teachers to aquire and look after teaching materials;to ensure the interim in the absence of the Headmaster;to prepare professional education training of the teachers.

Article 10 – Attributions of Deputy Headmaster in charge of discipline

The Deputy Headmaster in charge of discipline shall have the following responsibilities:to ensure the students’ discipline;to supervise all extracurricula activities;to support students in relation to health.

Article 11 – Attributions of school Bursar

The School bursar shall have the following responsibilities:to manage the heritage and keep books of accouts for the school;to shop for the school;to take care of furniture, buildings, land and other property of the school;to prepare the budget of the school;to prepare income-generating projects for school;to manage contractual staff of the school.

Article 12 – Attributions of the Secretary

The school Secretary shall have the following responsibilities:to receive, prepare and dispatch letters;to keep the school documents;to receive and guide school guests;to organize the office of the Headmaster;to keep the agenda of activities of Headmater.

Chapter IV
Final provisions

Article 13 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 14 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

18 January 2016 this version
08 January 2016
Assented to