Ministerial Order determining Rules Governing the Code of Conduct of Headmasters, Teachers and Students

Ministerial Order 4 of 2016


Ministerial Order determining Rules Governing the Code of Conduct of Headmasters, Teachers and Students

Ministerial Order 4 of 2016

The Minister of Education;Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 as revised in 2015, especially in Articles 121, 122 and 176;Pursuant to Law no 23/2012 of 15/06/2012 governing the organization and functioning of Nursery, Primary and Secondary Education, especially in Article 3;After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its session of 14/05/2015;HEREBY ORDERS:

Chapter One
General provisions

Article One – Purpose of a Order

This Order determines rules regulating code of conduct of Headmasters, teachers and students in nursey, primary and secondary schools of general education.

Article 2 – Definition of terms

Under this Order, the following terms have the following definitions:headmaster: any person exercising the function of heading a nursery, primary or secondary school;teacher: any person who performs the function of a dean of studies, discipline master or teach;student: any person enrolled in a nursery, primary or a secondary school to attend lessons.

Chapter II

Section One – Conduct of a Headmaster

Article 3 – Conduct of a Headmaster

The Headmaster must:be the promoter and pillar of quality development in school education;promote the integral development of persons under his/her supervision;ensure that school records contain accurate information and are safely kept;not conceal any act of misconduct committed by a member of staff or by any student of the school, whether committed within or outside the school;avoid abusing his/her powers for own interests;promote justice and avoid any form of discrimination or favoritism;respect work related laws and regulations and ensure that they are respected by persons under his/her responsibility.

Section 2 – Conduct of a teacher

Article 4 – Conduct of a teacher with regard to the profession

With regard to the teaching profession, a teacher must:advocate professional autonomy and strive to create a favourable working environment;preserve the ethics caracterizing the teaching profession;regularly improve professional knowledge and development;demonstrate a good image of the teaching profession in relations with the others.

Article 5 – Conduct of a teacher with regard to the students

Regarding students, a teacher must:be responsible for the provision of quality education;promote a favourable environment for teaching and learning;provide to all students with equitable learning opportunities without any discrimination;help students to identify and respect the Rwandan values;encourage students to think independently and form their own judgments based on knowledge;teach students to respect the opinions of others in case of a debate on a given topic;help students to keep clean their bodies, uniforms, tools and wherever they are;instill in students the spirit of excellence in their achievements;not abuse the position held to engage students in acts for own interests;10°be a role model.

Article 6 – Conduct of a teacher with regard to colleagues

Regarding colleagues, a teacher must:treat them with respect without discrimination;co-operate with them in the interests of students;be supportive to them in performing their professional responsibilities and encourage them to develop their potentials;share with them ideas and information to enhance professional development;promote harmonious relations and avoid misunderstanding between them;be objective and constructive when giving advice or guidance.

Article 7 – Conduct of a teacher with regard to the employer

Regarding the employer, a teacher must respect employer’s instruction as long as they comply with laws.

Article 8 – Conduct of a teacher with regard to parents

Regarding parents, a teacher must:respect parental rights of enquiry, consultation and information with regard to their children;seek to establish friendly and co-operative relationships with the parents;respect the uniqueness and characteristics of each student’s family background and treat in confidence any information regarding private family matters;assist parents to protect the fundamental rights of their children including education;act as parent of the child while at school.

Article 9 – Conduct of a teacher with regard to the community

Regarding the community, a teacher must:co-operate with them in the educational needs of their childenset exemplary life in accomplishing civic obligations;be concerned with community development.

Section 3 – Students conduct

Article 10 – Required values for students

The important values of code of conduct for students shall be the following:being characterized by politeness everywhere they are;self dignity;respect of school authorities, teachers, parents and fellow students;proper maintainance of school equipment, their own property as well as those of their peers;knowledge and respect of the school rules;paying attention to the cleanliness of their body, their uniforms and their tools wherever they are.

Article 11 – Prohibited students’ behaviour

Each student must abstain from any of the following specific acts relating to a crime:use and consumption of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and any other thing that may damage health;stealing or damaging the property of others;sexual relations, prostitution or vagabondage;lack of respect, insults, intimidation or fighting;divisionism, discrimination, persecution or violence.

Chapter III
Final provisions

Article 12 – Repealing provision

All prior provisions contrary to this Order are hereby repealed.

Article 13 – Commencement

This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.
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History of this document

18 January 2016 this version
08 January 2016
Assented to